If you want to make allegations like that you should post some reputable sources. You haven't even posted where you found it, you've just posted an image you or I could have made. That's really not on.
Also, you're forgetting that the primary language of India is not English but Hindi. Putting aside the stereotyping about Indians using English for IT purposes, there's no actual reason for these "instructions" to have been made in English.
As much as this could be someone trying to create a bot farm, it also could have been done by someone wanting to undermine criticism of China's Xinjiang policies by pretending international opinion is manufactured.
It could be a Chinese thought out plot. Or you could look around and see that there is almost nil english speaking outrage and support on this matter. Only bots hammering the same messages, often wearing various flags to demean and slander using unproven lies ... all against China. Hmmm doesn't take a genius to work out that in the english sphere, manufactured opinion is very much one sided and voices too. But of course, as an academic exercise, it could be what you're saying. That thought didn't actually escape me. It's just that once you venture into the world, it's clear many political opinions and povs being voiced online are Indian. A surprising amount. So even if this particular one
could be some Chinese false flag op, it is quite unlikely. The Indian troll ops and false flags are pretty much self evident to anyone who has eyes and a working brain. It's literally everywhere from Facebook to Youtube to Drive Warzone to even RussiaDefence lol... Of course PDF (with its own stronghold of China supporters) as well as even here. So while it
may be Chinese in source, it's much more likely to be as it suggests, Indian.
BTW the original Pakistani poster said it was shared by an Indian poster on some corner of the internet. Just resident Jai Hinds communicating to other Jai Hinds, not considering the internet is full of viewers from all corners. It would be like me posting here with "instructions" to other Chinese about encouraging pushing certain agendas on the information sphere such as exaggerated and false rape statistics in India or something negative and spins the truths out to something it is not.
Indian lies are greater than the rest of world's put together almost. On every issue discussed on this forum, plenty have been exposed. India is proven by the EU to have dozens upon dozens of disinfo/misinfo propaganda "news" brigades that match or exceed Murdoch in manufacturing emotions and manipulating narratives. China doesn't. China has state run media with undoubted political bias but never been proven to be intentionally spreading false information like the Indian ones. No state or nation has condemned anyone except Indian news sources. Chinese state hired censors only bother with internal matters and platforms. No one trolls around. Have a look. The few voices that support China are far and few between in English and are usually Chinese people who are just simply too annoyed at the amount of bullshit floated. Indians? lol the trolls number in the multi millions and a fraction of them are definitely state hired actors. Even India's own politicians admit to this informally.