Army Chief deputes Senior Officer to look into differences of opinion in South Western Command .....
Report by Indian Media "ANI" (Link of the original report is in comment section)
PSF's Analysis: In such time of crisis when Indian Military got beaten severely by Pakistan in 2019 during Pakistan-India stand-off 2019 & now China is humiliating India in Ladakh & Arunachal Pradesh. As of now China has captured 1000 sq km of Indian territory (Pangong TSO Area & DBO) (Excluding Aksai Chin which China already controls). China has killed more than 50+ Indian Military soldiers & has taken 100+ as captives during the clashes.
Meanwhile Indian Military leadership is busy in achieving personal goals. Moreover these skirmishes inside Indian Military leadership can be due to the pressure exerted by combined threat from China & Pakistan.
These fights for power inside Indian Military leadership will further cause immense damage to Indian military & damages will be unrecoverable.