You really don't understand world powers do you. Its not the well fed wolf that eats you Bub, its the half starved, ravenous beast, that without regard to reason savagely attacks and rips and tears until he tears you apart, or you deal him a "killing blow".
Mr. Putin has taken advantage of BHO's and Europes weakness, and lack of resolve to savage both the former Soviet Georgia and Urkaine, and take the best of both, while people who should have been on it, had a spaz attack over "appearances" and their legacy.
The Russian Bear is not dead, he was in hibernation through a long kold winter, the taking of territory in Georgia and Ukraine has also "recapitalized" the national psyche!
In any regard the Russians are not to be underestimated by intelligent folks, and reason and rationale may not lead you to understand their next course of action, they are gamblers, as well as ambitious, much of the present anger stems from the West's contemptuous attitude during their difficult years, so read time magazine all you want, but first attempt to understand who your potential adversary is, and then measure that against history and desire!
The Indians need the Russians, and the Russians need the Indians, I doubt there is much love lost between them, but it is mutually advantageous for each party to maintain that relationship. I believe the Indians would love to buy PAK-FA if it measured up to expectations, but 250 million a copy is a lot of "jack".
Russia is not a young and hungry wolf.
Russia is an old and tired, but still dangerous wolf that knows it's best days have gone, and now just wants to retain what it has. You're right that Russia resents being treated with contempt by the "victorious" west, but that was tempered with the stark realisation of how far they had fallen.
So it did regard Georgia and Ukraine as intrusions into its territory, but when push comes to shove, these places are not worth a war between Russia and the USA/Europe which would likely escalate to the nuclear realm.
With the collapse in oil prices and economic sanctions, that wolf is very much feeling the pressure.
The key points for Russia are stagnant/negative population growth along with sustained negative economic growth as the economy essentially supplies commodities to Europe and China.
Remember that the Russian economy is some 5x smaller than the EU.
And that the Russian economy is some 5x smaller than China
Ditto, the Russian economy is some 5x smaller than the US.