International Fleets Review 2016, much warships definitely very nice,
Main ships list :
Indian Navy :
INS Viraat former Hermès, Centaur class
INS Vikramaditya modified Kiev class aircraft carrier
INS Kolkata, Kolkata class Destroyer
INS Ranvir and INS Ranvijay, Rajput class Destroyer
INS Tabar, INS Teg and INS Tarkash, Talwar class Frigates
INS Shivalik, INS Satpura and INS Sahyadri, Shivalik class Frigates
INS Beas, Brahmaputra class Frigates
INS Kamorta and INS Kadmatt, Kamorta Corvettes Class
INS Sindhuraj, INS Sindhuvir and INS Sindhukirti Sindhughosh class of submarines, Kilo 877 EKM
INS Kirpan, INS Kuthar and INS Khanjar, Khukri class of missile corvettes
INS Kirch and INS Karmuk, Kora class of missile corvettes
INS Nirbhik and INS Vibhuti, Veer-class corvette
INS Jyoti, Tanker, Fedko class
INS Shakti, Deepak class, fleet replenishment tankers
INS Shardul, INS Kesari and INS Airavat, Shardul Class, LST
INS Cuddalore, INS Kozhikode, INS Cannanore and INS Konkan, Pondicherry-class Minesweeper
INS Sukanya, INS Subhadra, INS Suvarna and INS Sujata, Sukanya-class OPV
In more SSN Chakra, Akula II and/or ? Arihant
And Naval Aviation maybe.
Foreign Countries :
HMAS Darwin an Adelaide-class frigate of the Royal Australian Navy
BNS Somudra Joy, Hamilton-class of the Bangladesh Navy
Amazonas, Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) Brazilina Navy
Liuzhou and Sanya Frigates Type 054A/Jiangkai II of the Chinese Navy
Provence, Aquitaine class frigate of the French Navy
KRI Usman Harun, Bung Tomo-class corvette of the Indonesian Navy
Alvand, Alvand class light frigate of the Iranian Navy
JS Matsuyuki is a Hatsuyuki-class destroyer of the Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force
KD Lekir, Kasturi-class corvette of the Royal Malaysian Navy
UMS Aung Zeya frigate of the Myanmar navy
NNS Centenary is an OPV P18N/056 class of the Nigerian Navy
RNOV Al Shamikh, Khareef-class corvette of the Royal Navy of Oman
SAS Spioenkop, Valour-class frigate of the South African Navy
HTMS Saiburi, Improved 053HT-H class frigate of the Royal Thai Navy
HMS Defender, Type 45 Daring-class of the Royal Navy
USS Antietam, Ticonderoga-class cruiser of the United States Navy
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