Yes, the US under Trump staged by far the worst COVID response of any major country in the world, so it is a low bar to get over to beat it. but still, beating Germany ain’t bad.
From my viewpoint, the Indian response was actually worse than the US.
India has a draconian lockdown at no notice with absolutely no consideration of how to keep people from hundreds of millions of people from going hungry everyday.
The whole point of the first Indian lockdown was to buy time for testing capacity and treatment capacity to be ramped up. But this didn't happen, so all the suffering from that lockdown was pointless.
It reminded me of demonetisation which was trumpeted as another Modi-success, but everyone outside India can see it was pointless and left Indians poorer and worse off.
Since then, there is still a shortfall in testing capacity and the Indian government didn't bother with ordering any vaccines. It was only in April that the Indian government funded the vaccine manufacturers. Even then, I can see the production targets are pitiful compared even to the US response.
Plus the US federal government decides on vaccine allocations and pricing. In comparison, different states and private hospitals in India were all competing for vaccines. So there was a lot more waste, everything was slower, and also cost more.