Here is more of my plan.
7. Fair Weather is your enemy or How the line is drawn underground and underwater.
If you are United Earth forces facing an alien takeover threat, you will have to assume that anything that is visible in space is going to get attacked sooner or later.
Any airfield I see from space, and you see a lot from Google Earth, gets redecorated with a large PGM aka Precision Guided Meteorite. Most of our conventional air forces are going to get smoked on the ground. Our precious Raptors, Flankers, Lightnings, Typhoons, all going kaboom. We may be able to stop some of the PGMs via our ABM defenses or SAMs with ABM capability, but there are too few of these, and even with numbers, do not present a guarantee.
Our surface navies will rely on the ABM defenses of the latest AEGIS, but there maybe not enough of them and they don't present a guarantee either that they can stop every PGM. The moment a CVF is seen in space or scanned through the clouds using radar, it can be attacked by alien bombers and fighters from motherships orbiting, or simply have PGMs dropped at them from orbit. Surface exposure also means that in fair weather, direct energy weapons and interference systems such as EMP can be directly pointed and applied from space directly to the fleet below.
The thing is, gravity works against us, so its easier to send things down than to send things up. There is an limitless supply of rocks you can find and carve out in outer space and dump them. You would need to attach some boosters on the rocks to control the flight and orbital path of the rocks, but there you go, you have cheap instant missiles. I have to assume that even in advanced civilizations, the universal rule of energy economics still apply.
There are basically two kinds of PGMs to deal with. One is based on an iron based meteor. These can pass through the atmosphere and hit the Earth leaving a large crater. The second type is even more dangerous. These are carboniferous meteors, meaning made of carbon and non ferrous material. As they reenter the atmosphere, they can heat up, forming gas pockets inside them, ultimately exploding into what is a Tunguska sized event. That means they can go off like multiple nuclear bombs at the same time, and yet leave little or no radioactivity.
All this points we have to go underground and underwater. Our most survivable naval assets would be our subs, and we may have to build and service them through underground caves and so on. From our SSBNs, we can launch our nuclear tipped missiles into space directed at the motherships or any orbital platform the aliens use as a base to launch their fighters, bombers and drop PGMs on us. If they are harvesting NEOs (Near Earth Objects), they have to be blown up too. Large meteorites being dropped from space also needs to be intercepted with sub launched missiles.
Sub launched AshMs can be reprogrammed to lets say, hit large targets on the air as long as they are slow enough, as antiship missiles are radar guided. But our Harpoons, Exocets and Ying Jings are not fast enough, we have to go from subsonic to supersonic even at the expense of range. This new missile have to be launched from 533mm torpedo tubes and do so underwater. Eventually we need to convert old submarines or make new ones to a VLS configuration.
Nuclear subs will be faster going to areas around the globe and stay underwater longer, but I will take diesel-eletric submarines to plug their gap.
Supporting these submarines we will need space tracking ships like the Chinese Yuanwangs, although they will be vulnerable from space. So we need to make these ships fast and expendable, deploy them in ways they won't attrac easy attention. These ships can track objects in space, then provide guidance commands to missiles on the air. Space trackers can also be large aircraft, but again, these also have their own vulnerabilities.
One Cold War concept we may have to resurrect is the SSR or the radar picket submarine. There was only one such submarine ever built in the US (or around the world) and that was the USS Triton. At that time it was built, it was the largest sub ever, and it still holds the uniqueness of being the only US sub ever built with twin reactors, which is actually standard on Soviet subs.
Our new SSRs must serve as our space trackers and also act to guide launched missiles against orbital targets.
If we are to survive and carry on the battle, a lot of our naval production would shift underwater. We have to reconsider a whole bunch of Cold War concepts, including submerged aircraft carriers, submarine tankers, replenishment ships and cargo ships. We take a new look at concepts like the Typhoon class, and go even to designs that dwarf even that. For emergency reasons, if I was the Earth Commander, I would take the mothballed Soviet sub fleet and convert them to the uses I mentioned. And remember subs are also important for another reason---recovery of alien spacecraft so we can use to study their technologies. 3/4th of all possible crashes may fall upon the water.
The importance of defending our oceans is not be underestimated. Our oceans cover 3/4th of the Earth's surface, and 3 out of 4 reasons of invading Earth may have something to do with our oceans. Part of UFO phenomenon deals with USOs or Unidentified Submerged Objects. A UFO is a USO when it is sighted underwater and there was one notable SO event near Nova Scotia in 1967 where UFOs enter and leave the water. Some of the phenomenon observed includes large ships underwater, and UFOs being launched from such ships.
In any case, we can expect our battle to be taken underwater. Our SSBNs will be hunted down, while our SSNs and SSKs try to protect them. If the aliens set up underwater bases or have submerged carriers, we have to bring the battle to them. Our subs are going to be dog slow compared to them, but anything that moves fast underwater is not going to be quiet either. Our current torpedoes may be too slow to catch up with an alien ship, so I think the best alternative to arm them would be Shkval type supercavitation, rocket propelled torpedoes that home in the alien ship's wake. Underwater may provide some means to offset our technological disadvantage and here we may begin our final stand.
On land, we would go with underground bases. We should launch fighters through short angled underground runaways, which today something you might only see in Japanese anime. Another is something I picked up from Battlestar Galactica, where you shoot fighters off from a tunnel using a steam catapault.
For landing, fighters either vertically land down ,or go through controlled crashes on short carrier like runaways that can be hydraulically pulled underground or quickly camouflaged.
Our missile forces will depend on camouflaged mobile TELs. There is a ballistic component that will send ICBMs and IRBMs into space, and these are protected by S-300 or PAC style batteries.
(more fun speculation later)