Jones Henry
Banned Idiot
FriedRiceNSpice said:Nigeria and Mexico as economic powers? Why did they have to take the :lol and :rollin smilies off of the forum?
Asians would not be as peaceful as you think. By the time China surpasses the US, it will have a missile defense shield. China will no doubt try to return to the Qing-era borders and take Korea, Taiwan, and parts of Russia and Central Asia. In my personal opinion, once China has retaken its territory, it will not be an expasionist power. Maybe it would fight a war with Japan, in order to secure control over all the oil-rich islands. The Chinese navy will dominate all the oil-rich islands in that area, and the PLA will continue to be stationed in oil-rich African countries such as Nigeria. China will most likely try to maintain friendly relations with African nations, and help build up their infrastructures in return to their oil. The key difference between Chinese hegemony and American hegemony is that China will not try to expand their influence far from their borders. This is demonstrated throughout all of Chinese history, espeically in the issolasionist Qing. China tends to be introverted, regarding foreigners as inferior barbarians. Furthermore, I beleive China will be more of an economic power than the US ever was, while militarly it might not be as dominant as the US was at its height.
Typical neocon attitude tying to get us coloreds fight one another. Sorry nazi, aint gonna work with me
And by the way, if the "allmighty" US hasnt made a working missile shield, what makes you sure China will? Your just frightend, because you perfectly well KNOW than when WMD:s spread thanks to globalism and nanomanufacturing your racist "westerners" wont be able to BULLY us like you used to. I'd setle for China as the worlds leading super power ANY DAY!!!
And i by the way i also consider an African-Asian allaince to be a good thing! First of all, Africa is for AFRICANS, and it is for them ONLY to decide who to sell oil and minerals or to by weapons from! The imperialistic Europe and USA have ruled the world war too long! It's so RUDE how they talk about China "taking over Africa" like they own the place! I think, that a big "Anti-white" and anti-american alliance will make the USA and EU think twice about there next move. With Iran they have allready proven there total bias and doublestandars(Israel can have nukes, why Iran cannot)These "westerners" think, that they are moral and "just" just because they have big military power. From there logic if China would for instanche have an economic and military power like great Britain in 1914 it would be "ok" for China to tule the world. These white "westerners" have since ancient times been nothing more than cruel and sinister barbarians who belive in violence as a mean to gain there objectives. The European powers cleary proved it in the 20 century, and USA is proving it now!
Because the "west" only respons to force, it might be a good idea to use "force" against them! For instanche 9/11 proved america is far from omnipotent and invurnable! Also othet third world countries should give there support for China! The UN(build by the west and for the west)should be shut down, and a new world order be open, where developing countryes would finally have there say in the world affairs! The Iranian SCANDAL proved again how the west likes to handle things! Too long have there "righteous" European MURDERERS and rapists ruled the world! I say it's time for us "third worlders" to join forces and show the EU-USA there place!!!
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