there, my contribution.
Do not be fooled by its appearance. it is not a sub. it can not go underwater. it is not built to withstand any kind of depth pressure. What it is built for is to have majority of its body submerged, with just the main tower and the tip of the spine protruding from the water. main tower would have the radar (blue), various comm equipment, chimney (at half the height of the tower), bridge, etc. small sam vls unit in the class of sidewinder would be located in the smaller ffront section of the spine. (not marked by color, sorry)
antiship missiles are marked by pink color. doesn't have to be just 6, that's for illustration only. Anyhow, whole idea is to sacrifice speed for stealth. at the same time, with length of 40 meters and a very, very small crew, there'd be enough space for long endurance missions. Also, i believe ship's layout would be very stable at high seas (though, granted, still very vomit inducing for the crew) I don't believe max speeds could go over 20 (cruise speed even lower) so technically it wouldn't be be Fast attack craft... maybe more like SAC![]()
Pretty cool. The North Koreans and Iranian both use submerrsible boats - more boat than sub - although these vessels don't look anything like your design and can submerse completely.