With the whole Libya fiasco going down, I began to think how the PLAAF would approach a no fly zone over a distant country. Obviously the PLAN has had some experience in blue water operations and recent events have shown that China is willing to use military assets to protect their people... even if it's only a frigate escorting transport ships.
In the future, perhaps distant perhaps near, the PLAAF will probably be called on to enforce a no fly zone over a distant country with which there is turmoil directly threatening the PRC's interests.
For the basis of this scenario, first let's pretend the UN has passed a resolution for a no fly zone against country X -- the western nations abstained, while China and Russia and a few others have voted "for the motion. Basically, this is a scenario which the west will not work against China.
The country will be a hypothetical middle east/african country with a land mass similar to Libya, with a slightly more capable air force and SAM technology. Say, early build Mig-29s/F-16s and early S-300 batteries, but all these in limited numbers. And we'll throw in one large AWACS platform like cold war era A-50 or E-3, or a few early E-2s to make things more interesting.
Russia and Pakistan may provide indirect support in terms of basing and maybe logistics.
Rules of engagement will be similar to what the British and French aircraft will have later when they're against Libya, which will prolly be something like "dont shoot unless you're shot at" -- so purely reactive.
Country X is determined to fight against the no fly zone.
The PLAAF we are talking about is the current force mixture, so no J-20, no Y-20 or such.
With all this set in place, how well do you guys think the PLAAF will perform, what aircraft (not just fighters, remember) will they deploy, what kind of sortie rates can they muster up, etc?
In the future, perhaps distant perhaps near, the PLAAF will probably be called on to enforce a no fly zone over a distant country with which there is turmoil directly threatening the PRC's interests.
For the basis of this scenario, first let's pretend the UN has passed a resolution for a no fly zone against country X -- the western nations abstained, while China and Russia and a few others have voted "for the motion. Basically, this is a scenario which the west will not work against China.
The country will be a hypothetical middle east/african country with a land mass similar to Libya, with a slightly more capable air force and SAM technology. Say, early build Mig-29s/F-16s and early S-300 batteries, but all these in limited numbers. And we'll throw in one large AWACS platform like cold war era A-50 or E-3, or a few early E-2s to make things more interesting.
Russia and Pakistan may provide indirect support in terms of basing and maybe logistics.
Rules of engagement will be similar to what the British and French aircraft will have later when they're against Libya, which will prolly be something like "dont shoot unless you're shot at" -- so purely reactive.
Country X is determined to fight against the no fly zone.
The PLAAF we are talking about is the current force mixture, so no J-20, no Y-20 or such.
With all this set in place, how well do you guys think the PLAAF will perform, what aircraft (not just fighters, remember) will they deploy, what kind of sortie rates can they muster up, etc?