IMO from Syria's point of view, it may be impossible for them to defend Damascus from Israeli invasion (in event of Israeli-Syrian war) due to close proximity of Damascus to Israel (see Syria map for refernece). So the survival of the Syrian government should not depend on Damascus.
Syria is not a small country like Lebanon, and has vast territory behind Damascus that they could retreat into. The Israeli military may have better jets and tanks, but on the ground as an occupation force, they're going to get shot at and blown up daily (see: Iraq). Also, although Syrian military is not as advanced, they do have weapons in large quantities.
Israel is a small country with 1/3rd the population of Syria. In war they'd have to call people away from their daily lives to serve in the military. To conquer and occupy most of Syria, with its hostile population, would put huge strains on Israel. It's not just the cost, but also the most productive young people are taken away from the economy and put in uniform to get shot at.
At best, I think the Israeli can hope to destroy Syria's military assets, impose a "buffer zone", and go home.
When the British drew Palestine-Syrian border initially, they purposely placed Palestine territory to occupy both sides of water sources (rivers, lakes, watersheds). The purpose is simple, no water, no people. When Israel conquered the Golan Heights, it gave them access to major water source and immediately expelled its residents and sent in Jewish colonizers.
Syria's loss of the territory is partially due to the fact that the Golan Heights had low population density. Had Syria put 1 million population in the area, instead of 80,000, the Israelis wouldn't have been able to expell its inhabitants so easily and colonize it (this is also how China lost Outer Manchuria).
From Syria's long-term point of view, I think instead of military buildup, it may be better to urbanize the border area and transplant a lot of people there, to apply pressure on the Golan heights area, as well as sucking up as much water as possible via wells or tapping water sources upstream, and actively reduce the amount of water made avail to Israel, then spraw over the LoC with squatters. If Israel opt to intervene militarily, then the area can be turned into another "Gaza Strip" where Israel can invade, but cannot afford to occupy over time, at great cost to the Israeli government.