Some random thoughts:
When a merchantman ( or a yacht ) sinks a buoy floats free and announces the sinking and its position by satellite link to the world. In the world wars a sinking might only be reported weeks alter.
Disguised mine layers might sink mines carrying programmed torpedoes in the weeks before a planned war starts. Don't be too obvious otherwise the intended victims will be warned before hand.
The main threat to conventional commerce raiders will be maritime patrol aircraft. Radar carrying airships might also play a role. I understand such airships ( unmanned? ) are being developed by China.
When a merchantman ( or a yacht ) sinks a buoy floats free and announces the sinking and its position by satellite link to the world. In the world wars a sinking might only be reported weeks alter.
Disguised mine layers might sink mines carrying programmed torpedoes in the weeks before a planned war starts. Don't be too obvious otherwise the intended victims will be warned before hand.
The main threat to conventional commerce raiders will be maritime patrol aircraft. Radar carrying airships might also play a role. I understand such airships ( unmanned? ) are being developed by China.