How many times has your capital city been conquered


Senior Member
VIP Professional
This exercise should be easy for those living in the America's due to not a lot of history.

Let's me start:
Washington DC - Conquered by the British 1812
For Southeners - Richmond, VA conquered by the Union in 1865

I think Baghdad or Jerusalem took the credit for being conquered the most times.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
If you look it from that angle that it begun to be a city as well as our Capital only during the days of finnish grand dutchy. of the nations that actually fougth in WWII, only London, Washington, Moscow and Helsinki remained non occupied by foreing forces.


Senior Member
VIP Professional
If you look it from that angle that it begun to be a city as well as our Capital only during the days of finnish grand dutchy. of the nations that actually fougth in WWII, only London, Washington, Moscow and Helsinki remained non occupied by foreing forces.

Wasn't Finland used to be part of Sweden?

I'm not familiar with the history of that part.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
we were, but the days they got us, we didnt have any cities, not mention any sort of capital. The old "capital" ...or something most close to be a capital of the Swedish "östland" was Turku, but it lost that position to Helsinki, wich became our first real capitol only in Russian rule, and we begun to be a state like unit only during this russian rule, becouse they gave us autonomy.


Banned Idiot
If you look it from that angle that it begun to be a city as well as our Capital only during the days of finnish grand dutchy. of the nations that actually fougth in WWII, only London, Washington, Moscow and Helsinki remained non occupied by foreing forces.
Might be nitpicking but what about Ottawa and Canberra? Canada and Australia can be considered major participants.

Also CCP headquarters in Yanan. :p


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Ah I forget the canadians...and Chinese communist werent "legimate" state back then, well that claim could count those nations that had the war on their soil:D


Senior Member
VIP Professional

Founded by Romans.... "conquored" or rather taken over by the Celts before generally absorbed by the Angles and Saxons... then along come those horrible Scandanavians but although they beat it up a bit they never bother to conquor it properly. Then that frog-eating muppet "William the Bastard" (historically accurate name!) comes and calls it home.

Um, that was the last time I think although it sort of changed hands a few times during the "Wars of the Roses" and the English Civil War but never requiring considerable force IIRC.


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
For Singapore, being such a small country, I don't think there is any capital city at all. So I will only step on the country as a whole.

Singapore, as legend has it, was founded first by an Indian Prince, then the country was discovered by the British in 1819 and occupied in 1824 after a treaty of the sultan of johore (not sure does this qualify as conquered). Japan occuppied her since 1942 during WWII.

After WWII, British came back, then regain the country's freedom in the 50s.