Baibar of Jalat
Junior Member
Indeed. China has to ask itself (as I have said many a time) what it prefers to have - oil to sate its thirst in the short-term or less chance of world-wide proliferation of nuclear weapons in the long-term. If Iran gets nukes it'll be a step on a slippery slope - it'll also increase the chances of whack-jobs getting their mits on one. Does China really think angry Muslims won't turn on it one day?
Sorry FuMuncCu i had to respond to this
Simply what was the reaction of the west when China tested its first bomb???
My research seems to lead me to believe the west esp USA shit themselves.
Why because Mao Zhe Dong espoused rhetoric about burning the whole of civilisation in a nuclear fire storm (paraphrased). there was more thraets they were even worse then irans threats.
Another question what is the western prospective of chairman mao? my research concludes he was simpily a maniac from the east who did not share western even soviet morals (also paraphased).
The chinese and other none white races have been labelled negatively
HERES a qoute by a prominanent Anti aprtied leader called BIKO
He once said "the whites kick are asses then complain about how we react to be kicked in the ass"
similiar story today Iran was invaded by Iraq who was backed by the two superpowers of the USA and USSR, i think like china who was semi colonised have a right to feel a bit pissed off.
However nucs are a dangerous game but Isreal has got them why not iran an old arguement.
Just an observation i am open to a constructive debate on the issues i have raised. No BS please if you think i am BS please say it diplomaticly