And am assuming she's Chinese just like yourself? And if that's the case, why does she hate herself and her ancestors so much? Is that what her Christ and the Bible has told her to do? Am sorry to say but these Christian nutjobs are the most bigoted mother f..kers I know and have come across on this planet.
Sorry to butt my head in this. And ofcourse, I don't mean any specific negativity to any religion.
China offers 1.4 billion souls as potential converts and believers. Of this, only a fraction (5 - 8 percent) have been successfully brought to that path. Of this, the number of "adherent followers" - which means those who donate, support and endeavour to further spread the religion - are fewer. The biggest obstacle towards the goal of getting the message to the 1.3 billion is the Communist Party and its policies. So quite naturally,
some of those who are of the religion come to HATE the CCP. Ofcourse, religious leaders have a big role in moulding the hate.
The Communist governments, historically, have been against organized religion - identifying them as divisive forces ( personally, it's correct). This is one of the reason why the Muslim world and western Europe / US were against it. But PRC isn't by any means as harsh (or even 30% as harsh) as USSR regarding religion. And maybe that's one of the reasons why Communism never got traction even in countries like India ( with absurdly high religious beliefs) or Africa.
So to sum it all - the unique active proselytizing nature of the religion clashes with the resistance of government and this angers the religious leaders and the followers.