Actually you know, there is the Mississippi Delta Chinese community. Many people find them amusing because of their deep south accents.Mainlanders need to be encouraged to immigrate there more and more to replace these weak and incompetent people that make up roughly half of the HK population.
I say roughly half because just as many if not more of the HK'ers consider these people to be an embarrassment.
Also we must pay and incentivize as much as possible to relocate these people to Arkansas or rural Australia so they can get a taste of what their White masters really think of them. But paying their way to those lands should include a contract which stipulates they must have a camera on them at all waking hours to livestream their experiences for the entertainment of the Chinese people.
I would watch that reality show.
Actually, I have posted about this phenomenon a number of times before. Why are the guys in the HK protest movement so ugly? I don't think it is some westerner screening process.I don’t think we need or should promote discrimination against people from HK.
Indeed, there is zero evidence of any physical degradation in its population.
The reason you have such pathetic wretches being promoted as the new face and voice of HK is because of the people promoting them - westerners have always been hilariously insecure about Asian male masculinity. Which is why they go out of their way to find weak and pathetic examples to use as extras and villains in their movies. It’s the same reason here. They probably subconsciously screened out all the normal looking roaches and are only left with the bottom of the barrel weaklings like these for selecting people to promote as figureheads.
My theory is that they are basically the local "incel" group turned political. In this way, it is their way to claim power (and hopefully not be incels). We cannot think that the incel movement is not willing to take radical action, there are already 2 well documented cases of mass killings attributed to it.
It is a scientific fact that good looking people will find more success in life. Even in academic fields, more attractive people tend to get ahead. That doesn't mean they are getting by on their looks, but basically it is a consequence of our basic human psychology.
If you are attractive, then it is likely the system is working for you. In this case, the system is the PRC establishment. If it is working for you, then there is no desire to rock the boat. Even looking on a purely economic basis, if you have a good job in HK, it is probably in the major industries (finance, tourism, logistics, and professional services.) The success of all are dependent on mainland China.