This student leaders interview with Tim Sebastian is rather interesting.She looked sulky when replying to Sebastian's probing statements
It's a rather long interview, but its worth the effort, just to see her get totally destroyed by Sebastian.
While watching the interview, I decided that she was passable for spending the weekend together However, in case she gets mad with me I would not give her my real name or tell her where I lived because she and her mates might come round and burn my house down.
(Was that thetype of fun you were refering to?)
A few points worth noting as my take away from that interview:
- when the HK government reached out to try and have a dialogue in 2014, they sabotaged it with ridiculous criticisms and zero workable alternative proposals. Suggesting that invite wasn’t inclusive enough might have had merit had they counter proposed with a serious and reasonable expanded list, but the public forum they wanted and apparent demand to include everyone is literally asking the government to try and hold negotiations in a pack football stadium with everyone single person in attendance, at the same time. It’s only possible outcome would have been chaos and public humiliation of the government, which i suspect is all they actually wanted in actuality.
- the ‘leaderless’ structure and ‘principle’ of not condemning anything one of their own does is the perfect chaos machine, in that it makes it impossible to reach any negotiated resolution with them, and positively encourages wonton violence and destruction by forcing the entire movement to stand behind the actions of their own, not matter how ridiculous and unreasonable.
That is the perfect recipe to create a run away train of ever escalating violence and destruction with no way to apply any breaks, with the end result all but guaranteed as bloodshed and loss of life on a mass scale. Which is exactly what the true foreign leaders and creators of this movement want.
- Speaking of foreign leaders, she is born in the US, making her a US citizen. If she did any of the BS she and her kind are doing in HK in the US and tried that with her actual government of America, she would have found herself in an orange jumpsuit or six foot under long long ago.
It is telling just how many of the leaders of this movement are foreigners who would pull out their foreign passports and be on the first flight out if they actually achieved their goal and triggered the violent crackdown from Beijing this movement was tailor made to do all along.
The cracks and flaws in the movement are only showing now because it was never designed or expected to last anything like this long.
The CIA used their subversion playbook, but unlike Syria or Ukraine, Beijing outplayed them by showing unexpected restraint and calmness.
Now the uncontrollable chain reaction that was supposed to force Beijing to literally send in the tanks is working to discredit this CIA conceived, planned, funded and executed suicide bomb of an organisation.
A final more superficial point, but I think this loyal American girl is actually a very good encapsulation of the protest movement, where her pretty smile is very deliberately and calculatingly deployed as a weapon to hide the ugliness at its core.
Their principles are as fake as her smiles, and all they know is to mindlessly repeat the slogans and sound bites crafted by their masters in Washington.
It was painfully obviously that the basic and obvious questions Sebastian asked her about how to de-escalated and reach a peacefully negotiated end to the violence and destruction was the first time such thoughts have actually crossed her oh so small and entitled mind.
That should tell you all there needs to be known about the doomsday cult mentality and MO of this movement.