Hong-Kong Protests


Registered Member
The ultimate goal is to isolate China in Trump's trade war. The same goal would be employed if China sends in the troops into Hong Kong. The US is using up all its leverage in Trump's trade war and trying to convince the rest of the world in helping achieve that goal. If that happens, dead Hong Kong protestors everywhere. What are they going to do? Slap sanctions and tariffs to punish China...? China has nothing to lose which is the only thing holding China back from violating everything...

In the back of my mind, I had always thought that somehow Hong Kong is being used by USA to leverage China in the trade war. Time will see!


Registered Member
Oh when it happens in your country, it's anti-Western and pro-communist...

Yes as the people get frustrated that their lives are being disrupted means less sympathy for Hong Kong.

It's very strange how little is reported in the western MSM. And what is reported, it never mention police heavy handiness or Armistice international, human rights, blah blah blah.


Registered Member
If Hong Kong seceded, China would have no responsibility what so ever for the island. Let the Hong Kongers beg for water.

Besides, a total water cut off wouldn't be necessary. Beijing could reduce Hong Kong's ration of fresh water down to where everybody on the island could still live but not take showers. Some Hong Kongers like to think mainlanders are dirty and smelly, but after a few weeks of not showering, Hong Kongers would be really dirty and smelly.

Secessionists hope to improve Hong Kong's situation, however unlikely that hope is. I am saying that Beijing has enormous scope to make life in independent Hong Kong much, much worse -- just as the Ukraine is now far worse than before its 2014 revolution, in spite of many promises by rebels.

After secession, if it happened, Hong Kongers would no longer be citizens of China. So why should Beijing care for them?

Sorry, what and where in the world do you think this is right way to treat another human being, let alone your fellow brethren?


Registered Member
I think a potentially severe reduction of drinking water should warn the Hong Kongers that they are very dependent on the mainland.

As for the patriots in HK, I don't see any million-strong pro-Beijing demonstrations. If these people don't show any courage now, why should Beijing give them much consideration later?

Gee, really!


Registered Member

Democracy and freedom in action! Where's the outcry. If China had done that, you bet your bottom dollar, it will be plastered on the front pages of MSM.

And the likes of our Mr Pony will use it as another shining example of corrupt authortarian CCP! Lol


Registered Member
Because what Beijing is doing (or refraining from doing) may actually solve the problem in the long run?

Where are the massive rallies showing their support for the central government? If they can't be bothered to exert so little effort, why should Beijing take any risks for them?

I'm not asking for an intra-Hong-Kong civil war. I'm asking the China patriots to show that they exist in overwhelming numbers, by holding a massive, peaceful demonstration. Then perhaps the rioters will start to think twice before rioting.

If the China patriots don't prove that they're the overwhelming majority, perhaps Hong Kong is already lost -- or at least this generation. A few years of water deprivation may be needed to wake them to reality. If most of them really think they are superior to mainlanders, and this attitude is rigid, let them stink.

Pleasesssss. Stop! You sound like a typical juvenile arm-chair warrior!

My elderly aunty and uncles are all patriots. More than you ever will be!

I have relatives that fought the Japanese, took part in demonstration in the 60s, lived through cultural revolution in China!

They are very elderly, and unable to "show" their patriotic to China physically! But it doesn't mean they do not care!

So please, please think deeper and further before you post anymore about lack of patriotism of Hong Kongers. It is quite insulting!


Registered Member

I am afraid you don't know the modern Chinese psyche. If you don't bother to show support for the country because you are afraid of some ragtag thugs you simply don't deserve Chinese support.
China didn't lost thousands of her brave men in Korea for such pussyfooting.

Oh god! Another arm-chair warrior talk bravely about tackling rioters!

Gee, please don't insult Hong Kong patriots!