lol what is this ? is PLA going to take this to the battlefield?
That's like saying sticking the Longbow radar on the top of the mast of the Apache is a bad idea.
Unless you mount the missiles on a MBT, no other platform even has a chance of surviving a direct hit from an modern MBT, so why bother with a half-hearted attempt to armor the thing to no real effect at the expense of much greater cost and limitations to mobility?
As others have already pointed out, such a platform can easily find a nice spot to 'camp', like just over the crest of a hill, or behind low buildings etc.
That would make the platform effectively immune to return fire, since the missile mount and sensor package is so small, even the best FCS on tanks will only hit it with a lot of luck from max range. Even if hit, the loss is minimal since the operator is below. The Truck can simply drive away and be back on station again maybe within the hour with a new weapons package.
The weapons package is small, and will give off next to no thermal readings until it fires, making it very hard to spot, especially in semi-built up areas or even out in anywhere that isn't flat featureless open terrain.
Even if it was deployed out in flat terrain, the elevated position of the sensors and greater range of the missiles will still give it the first shot. Hell, they can probably fire all 8 missiles, guide them till impact, and still have time to leg it before the surviving enemy MBTs are in firing range to retaliate.
This is a mainly defensive platform that needs infantry support, what it will be most useful for is to guard your flanks or rear, allowing you to mass your own armor for a concerted push at one point without overly exposing yourself to possible enemy armored thrusts into your lines.
From the looks of the set up, the whole thing could also easily be disguised as a container truck, or even mounted on one with little difficulty. Thus it is a fantastic defensive platform to have when faced against a superior enemy who may well also have air superiority.
I can see this being a hot seller if it was made available for export, as it would definitely appeal to many countries faced with a superior potential foe/foes.