I worry for the next four years..... speaking comparatively the only other Democratic who came too Office under such a situation was Carter and Militarily he bleed the US military like the Fall of the USSR did to the Red Army. Taking into account the Released Values of The new President Elect I am very concerned also factoring in the Statements of Mr. Obama concerning negotiation and some dangerous nations Iran, North Korea both nations that have a history of breaking promises and reneging on oaths
I worry less now. Mainly because I believe the President of the United States should not operate by "gut instinct" in going to war as Bush did despite lack of serious evidence that Iraq had WMDs. McCain for me, showed he liked to do operate on "gut instinct" without thinking things through, like calling Palin as his VP, then decided to wanting to fire Chris Cox in one day, then criticize Greed in Wall Street in another day like a socialist, then suddenly propose his own 300 billion bank bailout plan the next day, then criticize about "Socialism" the next week.
On the other hand, with Obama I see a man who is actually very clever, a genius in strategic and tactical terms. An American political campaign is like a war. Its planned like a war, with large scale strategies and small scale precise tactics, with great attention to logistics (campaign funding), positioning. The land is considered 'battleground' and treated as places to conquer.
Obama started as a nobody, with no experience, and yet he managed to turn around and beat people with far greater 'experience' like Hillary and McCain in one of the most well orchestrated, tech savy and innovative campaigns in American political history. You should see Ed Rollins' face in CNN when he talks about Obama's campaign, and Ed Rollins is the guy who masterminded Reagan's political campaigns.
I do not see anything in Obama's "released values" that threatens this country. Rather, everything I've seen with him, his actions and words is truly lives up to the spirit of this document.
This is in contrast to the other person who choose his VP, a heartbeat away from being President, who said this about a VP's role:
"PALIN: That’s something that Piper would ask me! … [T]hey’re in charge of the U.S. Senate so if they want to they can really get in there with the senators and make a lot of good policy changes that will make life better for Brandon and his family and his classroom."
Obviously never read that document above.
Yes I can rest easy.
What I genuinely worry for the United States is some bigot who will try to assassinate Obama.