Imagine if Hongkong was a country like Singapore. Thanks to China, HK get free protection (no tax to China), otherwise like Singapore spend $7.6B a year for defense
Anyone care to offer a translation of the call and response between Hu and the Garrison Formations?
I always wondered why city countries do that. Being THAT small means almost every country around you could conquer you even if you had a large military due to geography disadvantage. In my opinion, forced military service seems kind of pointless as modern warfare doesn't rely on number of soldiers a country has.
That's a question I've been asking for a long time...
Fortunately for Singapore though, its under the protection of the US 7th fleets
Read this article, this is the best way to defend yourself from invasion no matter how small your country is.
Great read! However, I think the key point here is "small". The Swiss are able to implement their system precisely because they're small (and because they're sneaky, but that's another story ). The term "Fortress" is doubly accurate because a fortress cannot encompass a large area.
They are not just small, they are willing to destroy their own infrastructure if needed, that kind of commitment itself deters many would be invaders.
But the most important way is to arm every single citizen, make the invading army not just fight the military.