High Precision Sniper (or Marksman) Rifle


Just Hatched
Registered Member
I am stuck into a military(I am a civilian) covert situation with lots of international players.
I am an events architect.

My regards to all the lone snipers out there!


Lieutenant General
Chinese sniper training.



Junior Member
As stated before type 88 and its ammo lack range and perfprmance for true military (medium to long range) sniper or counter-sniper use.
It will however undoubtably excell as a police sniper (short range and unarmoured target) and designated marksman rifle.

I am still looking forward t see an (operationally) issued medium calibre bolt-action rifle with suitable optics and more important (also for type 88!) match grade quality ammo!
Several interesting and promising designs have been put forward, but as yet none seems to have been incorporated into china-army inventory.