Help Improve SinoDefenceForum with your IDEAS?


The Troll Hunter
Staff member
Finn McCool said:
We should give SDF a MySpace. He he, just kidding. ;) :)

I guess, we could look into that? :D :coffee:

Space or DEFENCE TECH section anyone?

Finn McCool

Registered Member
Yeah, a Space section would be good because it would stimulate new discussion, plus China is only going to be increasing its space...errr...power? Capability? What would you call that?

About putting SDF on myspace for advertising-We'll have to say that SDF is a hot twentysomething, otherwise we're not gonna get any attention. :rofl: :roll:


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Can You have forum where unidentified Images are upload too, so that yourself and members can identify them.
JohnLynch said:
Can You have forum where unidentified Images are upload too, so that yourself and members can identify them.

Thats very similiar to Gollavainen's Quiz of the Week, where every week he posts a picture of an unidentified object and a prize is given to the member that correctly identifies it.

And about myspace, since Finn brought it up, who out of you guys actually use myspace?
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Finn McCool

Registered Member
FriedRiceNSpice said:
About myspace, since Finn brought it up, who out of you guys actually use myspace?

I sure don't. I just thought it was a good idea to get new recruits. And it was an opportunity for a joke about SDF being a hot twentysomething. Apparently I'm the only one that got that though:( But its still funny to me.:rofl: :)