And by the way, did you only get the original three movies of the Star Wars trilogy, or does "trilogy" also include the newest 3? (Which I think would be a good choice for a DVD re-release)
You get 4 disc in the version. It is completly updated with new scenes to line the story up with episode III

..Yea I'm an old dude that likes Star Wars.

Been watching them since '77..The 4th disc is the history of the movies with all sorts of stuff. It's called "Birth of the Light Sabre"
When my oldest son who is now 30 was 5(1983) we saw "Return if the Jedi" five least..
To me the best Star wars movie is "The Empire Strikes Back". It is also my favorite Star Wars movie of the 6. "Revenge of the Sith" is a close second.
Yes "Padawan's", I hope you learn something from Popeye! May the force be with you!