2007年1月5日14时55分,随着某重点型号飞机腾空而起,这一刻成为载入西飞、乃至中国飞机发展 史册的一个永恒的瞬间。2万多西飞人13年的期盼凝聚在这一刻:某重点型号飞机首飞圆满成功! 掌声与鲜花、笑语与自豪装点着冬日暖阳照耀下的机场。中央军委首长、空军装备部首长、国防科工委领导、 陕西省委副秘书长、西安市副市长、中国一航、中航二集团等单位领导与数百名西飞参研人员共同见证了这激动的 时刻。 14时50分,随着首飞仪式主持人、中国一航副总经理李玉海宣布:“首飞开始!”。银灰色的某重点型号 自西向东,穿过观礼台,缓缓滑向跑道。随着优美的滑跑,在一阵轰鸣声中,飞机昂首直刺蓝天,在观礼台前腾空 而起!顿时,全场掌声雷动。人们仰首目送着飞机矫健的身姿融入在碧空之中…… 15时06分,飞机再次进入人们的视线,打出的一串彩色信号弹在空中散开、飞舞,飞机开始通场飞行,如 潮的掌声再次响起,激动、自豪洋溢在人们的脸上。 15时15分,飞机打开两个白色阻力伞,平稳着陆,减速滑行。经过蓝天洗礼后格外雄壮的飞机,稳稳停在 观礼台前方。至此,某重点型号首飞圆满成功!现场的领导兴致勃勃登上英姿勃发的某重点型号飞机,与机组人员 亲切握手、合影留念。 首飞仪式后,西飞集团公司总裁高大成汇报了某重点型号研制过程和体会。中央军委首长、国防科工委领导在 发言中充分肯定了某重点型号研制的重大意义与前期的工作情况,对后续工作提出了希望与要求。一航副总经理李 玉海代表西飞以及各参研单位做了表态发言。 我判断1月5日首飞的是轰九战略轰炸机。理由如下: 1.“中央军委首长、、空军装备部首长、国防科工委领导、陕西省委副秘书长、西安市副市长、中国一航、中航 二集团等单位领导”参加的首飞必须是重量级的重点项目,再加上“这一刻成为载入西飞、乃至中国飞机发展史册 的一个永恒的瞬间。2万多西飞人13年的期盼凝聚在这一刻:某重点型号飞机首飞圆满成功”。大家请注意中国 飞机发展史册的永恒。可想而知它的分量有多重。那末我们看看哪些飞机有这个重量: 1.轰六改:显然旧瓶装新酒承受不了中国飞机发展史册的一个永恒的瞬间。2万多西飞人期盼13年的这一刻, 如果是轰六改的话,那西飞早就没有存在下去的必要了。 2.歼轰七改:也肯定不是。 3.肯定讲首先是一架新机。是不是大家说的飞豹III或者歼轰八呢?13年前立项研制,就是94年,那个时 候飞豹还没有定型,就开始研究飞豹III,歼轰八。我觉得不太现实吧。所以我们肯定讲决不是歼轰机(海军没 有派人),也不是电战机,而是新轰——轰九战略轰炸机。只有它才能当之无愧的承受本文开始时的那些殊荣。请 看06年12月份某红军论坛下面的一个帖子(摘): “轰-9战略轰炸机:轰-9在95年立项开始预研。该机在无空中加油的情况下,航程可超过8000公里,有空中加油的情况航程超过1 2000公里。该机巡航速度可达2M,突防速度可达到超过4M,载弹量20吨-40吨。该机还有更好的隐身性能。发动机是四台由624所研制的涡扇15A发动机,最大推力为17600公 斤。” 我们想想95年预研,07年首飞,刚好是12年,和前面八股说的13年差不多。即使07年首飞,要定型量产 最起码需要8年,也就是说列装空军也是2015年以后的事了。(歼10 是98年首飞,05年定型列装。F35是06年首飞,2012年量产;而轰炸机更复杂,所以要8年定型差不 多吧)。 再看下面这个帖子: “西安飞机第一设计院603所和沈飞正在联合发展研制最新一代的双座歼击战略轰炸机,该轰炸机航程可达70 00公里。该项目2004年立项,2005年一月中央军委副主席郭伯雄亲自视察,对该型号研制方面取得的成 绩充分肯定并高度评价。这种轰炸机高度机密,中国航空第一集团内部军方视察录像显示,新一代并列双座轰炸机 的模型开始风洞结构试验。 军方一直对双座歼击战略轰炸机有浓厚兴趣,这种飞机集歼击首先轰炸和战略轰炸于一身,用于实施对海上和地面 目标打击,其次是用于空中格斗,因而同时具备了歼轰7-A战斗机的战术格斗性能和轰六轰炸机的远程对海上和地面目标打击能力。 歼轰八战略轰炸机设计要求为驾驶舱可容纳两名驾驶员并坐,采用两台装有矢量喷嘴和加力燃烧AL―31F发动 机国产型,具备战略轰炸能力。经一次空中加油的航程达到7000公里,安装有后视雷达和多功能相控阵雷达, 可以携带国产先进空对空、空对地导弹。歼轰八并未采用前置鸭翼,这和苏―32截然不同,巨大的扁平机头,机 身机翼菱形融合,减少雷达横截面,类似美国的F18E/F大黄蜂。装备新型国产无源相控阵雷达,可发现和同时跟踪X个空中目标,并同时引导空空导弹攻击其中Y个, 具有导航/攻击、地形跟随和地形回避模式,发现驱逐舰类目标的距离为135千米,发现歼击机类目标的距离为 120千米。最大航程4000公里,经空中加油后可达7000公里。设计要求有15个外挂点,可装载8吨武 器。能够携带包括各种先进导弹、激光制导炸弹,以及各种火箭和集束炸弹等。“ 大家看到了,歼轰八2004年立项,我认为是可靠的。因为2003年歼轰七A列装空军,而歼11B也是同年 定型的,说明601所终于吃透了苏27的技术;而603所通过飞豹A的研发也使技术上了一个层次。这个时候 将苏27重型战机和飞豹A的技术整合起来研制中程战术轰炸机就水到渠成。两所合作也合乎清理。这叫1加1大 于2。所以这个帖子我觉得有道理。但04年立项,估计研发成功也是2015年的事了。
at 14:55 on the 5th, january,2007,with a particular focus on models of aircraft soared into the sky, as recorded in the XAC at this moment to fly, China, and even an eternal moment in the development history of the aircraft. XACs 13 years doing,more than 20,000 gather at this moment of hope : a successful maiden flight of a certain key models of aircraft! Flowers and applause, laughter and pride decorating the Winter Sunlight shining with the airport. CMC, head of the Air Force Armament Department of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense leadership of the Shaanxi Provincial CPC Committee, deputy secretary general, vice mayor of Xi'an. China routes, aircraft and other leaders of two groups with hundreds of XAC staff to examine this witness exciting moments. 14:50, with the maiden flight ceremony host, a deputy general manager packer flight announced : "maiden flight began! . " Silver-gray certain key models from west to east, passing through the rostrum, and slowly slid to the runway. With a beautiful roll, a time of roaring sound, the aircraft straight into the blue sky, the ceremony in front of the stage in the sky! Suddenly, they were greeted by thunderous applause. People saw the plane head off into the blue sky among…… doors 15:06. re-entered people's attention, making a series of color signals to disperse in the air, danced in the wind, planes flying start the market. If the applause sounded again, excitement and pride filled in people's faces. 15:15, the aircraft opened two white umbrella resistance, a smooth landing, taxiing slowdown. Particularly after the devastation of the sky amid the aircraft safely parked in front of the rostrum. Thus, key models successful maiden flight! Leading the scene of a key models displaying their skills and talents happily boarded the plane and crew cordially shook hands and posed for pictures. Maiden flight ceremony, the president of Xian Corporation fly tall for a key report on the process of model development and experience. CMC. Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense leadership in the speech fully affirmed the great significance of a certain key models with the preparatory work, Follow-up with the demands of the work. Li Yuhai, deputy general manager of a flight on behalf of all the participating research units and the XAC made a flying position to speak. I judge the maiden flight of the H9-January 5 1992 strategic bombers. The reasons are as follows : 1. "CMC, and the head of the Department of the Air Force equipment, the leadership of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, the deputy secretary general of the Shaanxi Provincial CPC Committee, Vice Mayor of Xi'an, a Chinese aircraft, CNAC Group 2 leaders "to participate in the maiden flight of the key projects to be heavyweight, Moreover, "as recorded in the XACs at this moment to fly, China, and even an eternal moment in the development history of the aircraft. XACs 13 years doing ,more than 20,000 gather at this moment of hope : A key model for a successful maiden flight of the aircraft. " Please note the eternal history of the development of China's aircraft. Imagine it has multiple components. Then we look at what is the weight of the aircraft : 1. H6 reform China apparently new wine in old bottles bear an eternal moment in the development history of the aircraft. More than 20,000 XACs Runner expectations of this moment for 13 years, if the trend. Six changed, it does not exist in the XAC need a long flight. 2. : JH7m has certainly not changed. 3. First, a new aircraft for sure. Flying Leopard III is not what we say or JH8? Establishment developed 13 years ago, 94 years, that period of time feibao has not been established, began to research feibao III. JH8. I do not think that is the reality. So, we will certainly say it is not fight-bombers (the Navy did not send), or ASW planes, The new bomber-H9 strategic bombers. In this paper, it can only bear at the beginning of those well-deserved awards. Please see December 06, a Red Army following a message forum (Abstract) : "H -9 strategic bombers : H-9 in 1995, started research establishment. In the case without aerial refueling aircraft, range of over 8,000 km. have more than one aerial refueling range of 2,000 km. 2M cruise speed of the aircraft. penetration rate will reach more than 4M. payload of 20 tons-40 tons. There stealth aircraft better performance. 624 engine is being developed by the four turbofan engines 15A, maximum thrust of 17,600 kg. "We think 95 years research, conducted 07 years, exactly 12 years and preachers said in front of nearly 13 years. Even 07 inaugural flight to stereotypes produce at least eight years. Air Force is also deployed in 2015 after a thing of the past. (Maiden flight of the J-10 is 98 years, 05 years stereotypes deployed. F35 is 06 inaugural flight, the 2012 production; bombers and more complex, so he did not bar stereotypes to eight years). Look at the following articles : "Xi'an Aircraft Design Institute, 603 and the first Fei Shen is fulfilled in developing the latest generation of fighter-bombers. The bomber range of as much as 70 00 km. establishment of the project in 2004. , vice chairman of the Central Military Commission Guo Boxiong himself in January 2005. Development of this type made fully affirmed and highly appreciated the achievements. The bomber highly confidential. China Aviation first internal video inspection of the military, Parallel fulfilled bombers began a new generation of the model wind tunnel tested. The military has a strong interest in the seat, twin engine fighter-bombers. First Set fighter planes bombing and the bombing in one strategy for the implementation of the sea, and ground targets. Second, fighting for air. thus possess the same time fighting the tactical fighter-bombers 7-A performance and H-6 bombers and long-range sea-ground attack capability. JH8 design requirements for strategic bombers can accommodate two pilots and the cockpit to sit Vector compare with two sets of nozzles and domestic combustion engine type vertical tail wing. with strategic bombing capability. After a voyage of 700 km of aerial refueling. After the installation of radar and multi-function phased array radar that can be made to bring advanced air. air-to-surface missiles. Eight pre-bombers did not use duck wings, and the Su-32 is totally different from that enormous flat nose. Diamond integration wing plane, which was to reduce the radar cross-section. F18E/F Hornet similar to the United States. New equipment made passive phased-array radar, X can be found and tracking targets in the air, while air-to-air guided missile attack in which Y is navigation / attack Terrain - following and terrain avoidance mode, the distance between the target class destroyers found 135 km, fighters found the target distance of 120 km categories. a maximum range of 4,000 km, After refueling in the air up to 7,000 km. 15 wings with the design requirements. carrying eight tons of weapons. including advanced missiles capable of carrying laser-guided bombs. , as well as rockets and cluster bombs. "We can see that in 2004 eight-bombers establishment, I think it is reliable. A series of seven since 2003 - bombers equipped with the Air Force and J-11B is the same year the stereotypes, 601 Su-27 shows are finally understand the technology; A leopard adopted by the 603 fly and also developed a technical level. Su-27 fighters and heavy this time of the Flying Leopard A technology integration will come together to develop medium-range tactical bomber. Cooperation in line with the two cleared. Do you think one big plus in two. So I think the message right. But 04-year plans, estimates also successfully developed in 2015 a thing of the past.
my oppinion is below:
In this article,the first section is the news from chinese offical report.I think the oppinion is reasonable,otherwise 20,000 people gather with sciences,CMC, CDTC leader together,having a great celebration.this celebration sould'nt for H-6m.JH-7a or JH7-b. large civilian plane? it's supose to be China 11th project,sould be in next 5 years.
China already have experience to make H6 bomber for 20 years.