H-9 Bombers

kevin JJW

Banned Idiot
The PLAAF continues to fly the obsolete H-6 bombers and there is no known bomber replacement development program. Attempts to purchase the Tu-22M from Russia led nowhere, and it remains unclear what plane will replace H-6 bomber, and when. According to some reports a new fighter/bomber project was started in 1995, following Russia's refusal to sell advance bombers to China, and at least a decade would be required for it to enter service. As of 1999 there have been no public reports concerning this program, which may be in abeyance. If this H-9 enters service before 2005, it is unlikely that China would embark on serial production of the JH-7A attack aircraft. The H-9 is said to be similar to the American F-117 in terms of overall performance, and perhaps even physical configuration.
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  中国目前主要生产/改进一代的作战飞机就是:沈飞的歼-8B/C/D/F/H,歼-11,歼-11B;成飞的歼-7G,歼-10,歼-10战斗/教练机;西飞的歼轰-7,歼轰-7A,新轰-6等。其中,歼-8B/C/D/F/H采用了我国自行研制的综合火控系统,并配备了我国新研的WP-13B/F发动机,具备了与F-16A/B和幻影-2000-5相抗衡的实力,是我空军近期较成熟,实用的歼击机;歼-11B是我国在引进苏-27生产技术的基础上,创新发展的全国产化的歼-11。该机在SU-27CK飞机基础上,保持原有总体布局和功能系统性能不变,但发动机换装了国产WS-10发动机,火控雷达换装了国产 1474型雷达,并能加挂国产的PL-12导弹等武器。歼11B与苏-27CK相比,飞机重量,飞行性能,机体寿命等基本不变,开发此机,主要使歼-11 全国产化,提高我空军武器战备完好率,降低对俄方的依赖。该机已于2003年12月6日首飞,于2005年定型投产。沈阳601所还打算在歼-11B基础上,进一步改进研制歼-11多用途型,型号估计是歼-11C。成飞的歼-7G是歼-7E的进一步改进型,主要改进火控系统,装备了头盔瞄准具,在近距离格斗方面,上了一个台阶,于2004年装备部队;歼-10已于2004年8月正式装备部队。该机研制历经20年,性能与F-16C/D相当,是我空军 2020年前的主战歼击机。该机装一台WS-10发动机,并配备1473型火控雷达。该机的火控系统是我国自行研制的先进综合火控系统。该机的进一步发展型就是双座的歼-10战斗/教练机,已于2003年12月首飞;西飞的歼轰-7A现已装备部队,对地精确打击能力超过苏-30MKK2,该机配备两台完全国产化的WS-9;进一步的改进型已在规划中,即歼轰-7B。歼轰-7B采用并列双座座舱,并加装导航/轰炸系统,武器投放计算机,攻击雷达,地形跟踪雷达和雷达高度表等,将发展成为一种新的中程超音速战略轰炸机;新轰-6现已开始生产,其作战效能已跟俄罗斯的图-95和图-26”逆火”差不多,成为我空军近期战略进攻力量中坚。


  中国目前正在研制一代的作战飞机就是歼-13隐形歼击机。歼-13 于”九五”末期开始立项研制。国家先期投资达80多亿,由611所组织研制,是该所继歼-10之后,组织研制又一国家重大专项工程。该机采用了多种隐身材料和技术,使其迎头方向的雷达截面积(RCS)降低到0。5米2,敌方雷达对它的探测距离将减半。由中国科学院电磁理论和应用研究所研究人员组织的科研小组对歼-13在进气道和发动机的压缩机叶片表面喷上了一层铁磁雷达吸波材料。其中一种厚度0。7MM和1。4MM的涂层材料用于进气道;一种0。5MM的涂层材料用于低压压气机前级叶片。这些措施可以使歼13进气道产生的雷达反射降低10-15DB;为了隐身,歼-13的座舱盖也进行了改进,研制人员已开发了一种等离子体沉积处理工艺,把等离子体沉积到金属和聚合物材料夹层中。把波屏蔽在座舱外,同时不影响太阳光的进入。歼-13的动力装置是一台624所研制的WS-10A发动机,最大推力为14000公斤,推质比接近9,发动机的级数为7级,并具有轴对称矢量喷管。该发动机的核心机已于2004年完成测试,歼-13的演示样机已于2004年开始在成飞总装,预计2008-2010年服役。它将采用更加先进的综合航电系统,火控雷达为1475型有源相控阵雷达,是我国一种具有第四代歼击机特点的准四代中型歼击机。是我国标准第四代歼击机出现前,应对F-22与F-35威胁的利器。



  <1> :歼-14第四代重型歼击机:歼-14由601所研发,采用两台由624所研制的YWH-30-27核心机派生发展的大推力发动机WS-17,推质比 10,发动机最大推力17500公斤,采用轴对称矢量喷管,飞机外形有点象YF-23,该机具有较好的隐身性能,RCS为0。15米2,具有优异的亚,超音速气动性能,可长时间不开加力进行超音速巡航及良好的亚音速,超音速机动;具有较强的远,中,近距空战能力,携带先进的能对付多个目标攻击的发射后不管的空对空中远距导弹,大离轴发射角抗赶扰的近距格斗导弹,高威力精确制导对地武器等;具有高性能的综合化航电系统,融合机内和机外信息,以最简明的形式提供给飞行员态姿信息,充分发挥飞行员的作用,并实现智能辅助飞行。

  <2> :歼-15中型第四代歼击机:歼-15由601所研发,采用两台由624所研制的YWH-20-13核心机派生发展的高推重比中型发动机WS-15,推重比10,单台推力9500公斤。
  <3> :歼-16中型第四代超音速垂直短距起降歼击机:歼-16由611所研发。该机研制借鉴了俄罗斯的雅克-141型飞机。该机采用隐身设计,拥有跨音速,超音速巡航能力。可同时对多个目标进行超视距攻击,可执行对地,对海,对空等多种任务,该机主巡航发动机为一台WS-17,该机将主要装备海军航空兵,用于装备海军计划中的两栖攻击舰或驻守南沙,西沙岛屿机场,支援我海军陆战队作战。

  <4> 歼-17轻型第四代多用途歼击机:该机装备了两台WS-14轻型发动机,是我空,海军将大量装备的低档第四代歼击机。

  <5> 强-7隐身攻击机:强-7是我国即将立项研制的新一代近距支援攻击机,采用了隐身设计,装备一台由624所研制的YWH-30-27核心机派生发展的小涵道比不加力涡扇发动机WS-18,最大推力10000-11000公斤,具备一定的超音速巡航能力。该机将逐步替换我国的强-5。

  <6> 歼轰-8歼击轰炸机:歼轰-8是我国将要研制的新一代歼击轰炸机。它研制参考了俄罗斯的苏-34,是在我国歼-11基础上独自创新发展的。但该机与苏- 34不同的是,采用了隐身设计。该机最大航程7000公里,发动机采用的是两台由624所研制的YWH-25-17核心机派生发展的推比9一级较大推力发动机WS-16,单台最大推力14000公斤,载弹量达10吨以上。

  <7> 轰-9战略轰炸机:轰-9在95年立项开始预研。该机在无空中加油的情况下,航程可超过8000公里,有空中加油的情况航程超过12000公里。该机巡航速度可达2M,突防速度可达到超过4M,载弹量20吨-40吨。该机还有更好的隐身性能。发动机是四台由624所研制的YWH-30-27核心机派生发展的大推力,推比10一级发动机WS-19,最大推力为18700公斤。



  2005年,美国第四代歼击机F/A-22服役,使世界喷气歼击机发展进入第四代。于此同时,美,俄等国开始大力预研具有反轨道作战能力的且又具有4S 特征的大气巡航第五代歼击机。我国航工业部门面对严峻形势,以”激情进取,志在超越”的精神,以务实的精神,根据我国航空工业实际水平,在2000年以后开始了接近第五代歼击机水平的四代后歼击机的预研与探索,以期通过四代后歼击机的预研和研制,为以后进一步研制第五代歼击机打下坚实基础。




Banned Idiot
The PLAAF continues to fly the obsolete H-6 bombers and there is no known bomber replacement development program. Attempts to purchase the Tu-22M from Russia led nowhere, and it remains unclear what plane will replace H-6 bomber, and when. According to some reports a new fighter/bomber project was started in 1995, following Russia's refusal to sell advance bombers to China, and at least a decade would be required for it to enter service. As of 1999 there have been no public reports concerning this program, which may be in abeyance. If this H-9 enters service before 2005, it is unlikely that China would embark on serial production of the JH-7A attack aircraft. The H-9 is said to be similar to the American F-117 in terms of overall performance, and perhaps even physical configuration.
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  中国目前主要生产/改进一代的作战飞机就是:沈飞的歼-8B/C/D/F/H,歼-11,歼-11B;成飞的歼-7G,歼-10,歼-10战斗/教练机;西飞的歼轰-7,歼轰-7A,新轰-6等。其中,歼-8B/C/D/F/H采用了我国自行研制的综合火控系统,并配备了我国新研的WP-13B/F发动机,具备了与F-16A/B和幻影-2000-5相抗衡的实力,是我空军近期较成熟,实用的歼击机;歼-11B是我国在引进苏-27生产技术的基础上,创新发展的全国产化的歼-11。该机在SU-27CK飞机基础上,保持原有总体布局和功能系统性能不变,但发动机换装了国产WS-10发动机,火控雷达换装了国产 1474型雷达,并能加挂国产的PL-12导弹等武器。歼11B与苏-27CK相比,飞机重量,飞行性能,机体寿命等基本不变,开发此机,主要使歼-11 全国产化,提高我空军武器战备完好率,降低对俄方的依赖。该机已于2003年12月6日首飞,于2005年定型投产。沈阳601所还打算在歼-11B基础上,进一步改进研制歼-11多用途型,型号估计是歼-11C。成飞的歼-7G是歼-7E的进一步改进型,主要改进火控系统,装备了头盔瞄准具,在近距离格斗方面,上了一个台阶,于2004年装备部队;歼-10已于2004年8月正式装备部队。该机研制历经20年,性能与F-16C/D相当,是我空军 2020年前的主战歼击机。该机装一台WS-10发动机,并配备1473型火控雷达。该机的火控系统是我国自行研制的先进综合火控系统。该机的进一步发展型就是双座的歼-10战斗/教练机,已于2003年12月首飞;西飞的歼轰-7A现已装备部队,对地精确打击能力超过苏-30MKK2,该机配备两台完全国产化的WS-9;进一步的改进型已在规划中,即歼轰-7B。歼轰-7B采用并列双座座舱,并加装导航/轰炸系统,武器投放计算机,攻击雷达,地形跟踪雷达和雷达高度表等,将发展成为一种新的中程超音速战略轰炸机;新轰-6现已开始生产,其作战效能已跟俄罗斯的图-95和图-26”逆火”差不多,成为我空军近期战略进攻力量中坚。


  中国目前正在研制一代的作战飞机就是歼-13隐形歼击机。歼-13 于”九五”末期开始立项研制。国家先期投资达80多亿,由611所组织研制,是该所继歼-10之后,组织研制又一国家重大专项工程。该机采用了多种隐身材料和技术,使其迎头方向的雷达截面积(RCS)降低到0。5米2,敌方雷达对它的探测距离将减半。由中国科学院电磁理论和应用研究所研究人员组织的科研小组对歼-13在进气道和发动机的压缩机叶片表面喷上了一层铁磁雷达吸波材料。其中一种厚度0。7MM和1。4MM的涂层材料用于进气道;一种0。5MM的涂层材料用于低压压气机前级叶片。这些措施可以使歼13进气道产生的雷达反射降低10-15DB;为了隐身,歼-13的座舱盖也进行了改进,研制人员已开发了一种等离子体沉积处理工艺,把等离子体沉积到金属和聚合物材料夹层中。把波屏蔽在座舱外,同时不影响太阳光的进入。歼-13的动力装置是一台624所研制的WS-10A发动机,最大推力为14000公斤,推质比接近9,发动机的级数为7级,并具有轴对称矢量喷管。该发动机的核心机已于2004年完成测试,歼-13的演示样机已于2004年开始在成飞总装,预计2008-2010年服役。它将采用更加先进的综合航电系统,火控雷达为1475型有源相控阵雷达,是我国一种具有第四代歼击机特点的准四代中型歼击机。是我国标准第四代歼击机出现前,应对F-22与F-35威胁的利器。



  <1> :歼-14第四代重型歼击机:歼-14由601所研发,采用两台由624所研制的YWH-30-27核心机派生发展的大推力发动机WS-17,推质比 10,发动机最大推力17500公斤,采用轴对称矢量喷管,飞机外形有点象YF-23,该机具有较好的隐身性能,RCS为0。15米2,具有优异的亚,超音速气动性能,可长时间不开加力进行超音速巡航及良好的亚音速,超音速机动;具有较强的远,中,近距空战能力,携带先进的能对付多个目标攻击的发射后不管的空对空中远距导弹,大离轴发射角抗赶扰的近距格斗导弹,高威力精确制导对地武器等;具有高性能的综合化航电系统,融合机内和机外信息,以最简明的形式提供给飞行员态姿信息,充分发挥飞行员的作用,并实现智能辅助飞行。

  <2> :歼-15中型第四代歼击机:歼-15由601所研发,采用两台由624所研制的YWH-20-13核心机派生发展的高推重比中型发动机WS-15,推重比10,单台推力9500公斤。
  <3> :歼-16中型第四代超音速垂直短距起降歼击机:歼-16由611所研发。该机研制借鉴了俄罗斯的雅克-141型飞机。该机采用隐身设计,拥有跨音速,超音速巡航能力。可同时对多个目标进行超视距攻击,可执行对地,对海,对空等多种任务,该机主巡航发动机为一台WS-17,该机将主要装备海军航空兵,用于装备海军计划中的两栖攻击舰或驻守南沙,西沙岛屿机场,支援我海军陆战队作战。

  <4> 歼-17轻型第四代多用途歼击机:该机装备了两台WS-14轻型发动机,是我空,海军将大量装备的低档第四代歼击机。

  <5> 强-7隐身攻击机:强-7是我国即将立项研制的新一代近距支援攻击机,采用了隐身设计,装备一台由624所研制的YWH-30-27核心机派生发展的小涵道比不加力涡扇发动机WS-18,最大推力10000-11000公斤,具备一定的超音速巡航能力。该机将逐步替换我国的强-5。

  <6> 歼轰-8歼击轰炸机:歼轰-8是我国将要研制的新一代歼击轰炸机。它研制参考了俄罗斯的苏-34,是在我国歼-11基础上独自创新发展的。但该机与苏- 34不同的是,采用了隐身设计。该机最大航程7000公里,发动机采用的是两台由624所研制的YWH-25-17核心机派生发展的推比9一级较大推力发动机WS-16,单台最大推力14000公斤,载弹量达10吨以上。

  <7> 轰-9战略轰炸机:轰-9在95年立项开始预研。该机在无空中加油的情况下,航程可超过8000公里,有空中加油的情况航程超过12000公里。该机巡航速度可达2M,突防速度可达到超过4M,载弹量20吨-40吨。该机还有更好的隐身性能。发动机是四台由624所研制的YWH-30-27核心机派生发展的大推力,推比10一级发动机WS-19,最大推力为18700公斤。



  2005年,美国第四代歼击机F/A-22服役,使世界喷气歼击机发展进入第四代。于此同时,美,俄等国开始大力预研具有反轨道作战能力的且又具有4S 特征的大气巡航第五代歼击机。我国航工业部门面对严峻形势,以”激情进取,志在超越”的精神,以务实的精神,根据我国航空工业实际水平,在2000年以后开始了接近第五代歼击机水平的四代后歼击机的预研与探索,以期通过四代后歼击机的预研和研制,为以后进一步研制第五代歼击机打下坚实基础。



Are these wish list? there's no official confirmation that these technology exist.beware there are are lot of fake "official report" posted in the web site.

kevin JJW

Banned Idiot
2.5 Bombers and Attack Aircraft TOP
China's nuclear bomber fleet is comprised of older-generation H-5, H-6 and Q-5 bombers that are now becoming quite obsolescent.
However, they could be supplemented by new generation aircraft now operational such as the Su-27 and FBC-1/JH-7 fighter-bombers
that are believed to be potentially nuclear-capable, as could the indigenous J-10 and FC-1 fighter aircraft currently under development.
China has recently demonstrated an aerial refuelling capability that could be used to extend the bombing range of such aircraft.
he Q-5M was a late 1980s Sino-Italian joint venture between CATIC, the Nanchang Aircraft Company, Aeritalia, Societa Aerospaziale
Italiana, and Gruppo Sistemi E Teleguidati. The objective of the consortium was to develop an improved Q-5 version with more advanced
avionics, navigation and fire control systems originally developed for the joint Aeritalia-Brazil AMX attack aircraft. Specific systems
transferred to the Q-5M included a digital central computer, dual data bus, Litton inertial navigation system, Agusta HUD, air data
computer, weapons aiming computer, FIRR P-2500 radar, IFF system, and VHF/UHF radio. The Q-5B version is currently in service with
the PLAN and is equipped with a ranging radar, torpedos or two C-801 sea-skimming air-to-ship missiles, and possibly new laser-guided
China recognises it still has a wide technological gap in bomber development compared to the US and Russia (the only other true
medium-heavy bomber manufacturers today), but has indicated intentions to develop future designs incorporating new technologies. To a
large extent, the development of increasingly sophisticated cruise and ballistic missile systems may limit the development of future
Chinese heavy bombers. However, some reports indicate that fair numbers (25+) of H-5s and HJ-5s (ECM conversion) continue to be
based at locations such as Huxian airbase, and H-6s at Nanyuan and Litong airbases. Photos have recently shown H-6s in a dark, non-
reflective stealth-like paint scheme, so it is possible that significant technical upgrades to China's bomber fleet (after the practise of the
US Air Force's near-continuous B-52 modernisation effort) continue.
The Xi'an Aircraft Company has developed the more advanced Jianjui Hongzhaji-7 (JH-7)/FBC-1 'Fighter-Bomber-China-1' or 'Flying
Leopard' multi-role two-seat supersonic (Mach 1.7) combat aircraft,. The JH-7 reportedly first flew in 1988/89 and has seen limited service
since 1993/94 with the PLAN as a dedicated maritime attack aircraft. (An alternative to the JH-7 was reportedly the Nanchang Aircraft
Manufacturing Plant's 1975 design for the supersonic Q-6 attack aircraft, which would have succeeded the Q-5, and blended design
elements of the MiG-23 and F-16, and would have featured a variable geometry wing.) China's Zhuhai '98 Air Show provided a showcase
for the latest version of the JH-7, a large aircraft with a gross weight over 28,000 kg (62,000 lbs). It has been developed as a platform for
precision-guided and stand-off munitions such as anti-ship missiles, and is essentially China's first indigenously designed and produced
attack aircraft. Like the European Panavia 'Tornado' and the Russian Sukhoi Su-24 'Fencer' it is a tandem-seat design with significant air-
to-air capabilities. Some observers also believe the design was influenced by the 1970s US F-4 Phantom series, examples of which might
have been obtained from Vietnam.
Believed to have been in development since the late 1980s, the FBC-1 finally entered limited service with the PLAN during 1994, replacing
obsolete bombers as a true air-to-ground and maritime strike aircraft with a self-defence air-to-air capability. At Zhuhai, the FBC-1 was
described as a "multi-mission all-weather supersonic fighter bomber fully independently developed by China" by the Xi'an Aircraft Design
and Research Institute and manufactured by the Xi'an Aircraft Industry Corporation (Xi'an Aircraft Manufacturing Company), with input
from the Flight Test Establishment. The aircraft was designed at Xi'an using computer-aided design (CAD) techniques with input from the
Flight Test Establishment. The FBC-1 now employs a digital FBW flight control system with computers networked to the aircraft's flight
navigation and attack computers (prototypes were reportedly developed using Q-5 'Fantan' testbeds.)
Reportedly, the FBC-1's leading edge slats, rudder-elevon and inboard/outboard elevon integrated servo-actuators are digitally networked
to aircraft rate gyros and accelerometers, sensor assemblies and cockpit panels. An internal ECM suite is believed to include passive
warning gear, active jammers and expendable chaff/flare dispensers. The original version of the JH-7 was believed to have been
equipped with an unreliable terrain following radar, possibly derived from US RF-4C systems captured during the US war against Vietnam.
Other development difficulties were believed to have included problems with the integration of the GPS into navigation and attack
systems, determining the appropriate anti-ship missile, and aero-engine reliability. It is possible that EW and reconnaissance versions of
the JH-7 could be equipped with specialised systems such as multi-spectral sensors.
The JH-7 was designed for two YJ-8 anti-ship missiles (ASMs) with over-water pulse radar modes for enemy ship acquisition, and was
initially revealed on CCTV during an October 1995 PLAN exercise. Some subsequent reports indicated it had been rejected by PLAAF in
favour of the Su-27 (J-11), with superior weapon systems, range and payloads, in addition to shortcomings of the JH-7's two unreliable
· Testing for an upgraded WS9 engine or replacement with the Russian AL-31 (also used by the Su-27);
· Modernised fire control system with INS/GPS and automated terrain following modes;
· US MILSPEC standards reportedly used for systems such as software and data communications protocols;
· Integration of a helmet mounted sight (produced by the Luoyang Electro-Optical Equipment Research Institute) integrated with the PL-9
air-to-air missile for an off-boresight engagement capability; and
· Optical aid in designating air-to-ground and anti-ship missiles, and surface targets and reference points.
China's purchase of Russian Su-30 fighter-attack aircraft, as discussed in section 2.4, also perhaps exceeds and duplicates the JH-7's
capabilities, and may result in a decreased production life. However, further advanced versions may be designated the FBC-2.
Some sources have indicated that China is interested in acquiring (or has already acquired some) Russian Tu-22M 'Backfire' supersonic
bombers equipped with long-range AS-15 (RK-55) cruise missiles. While the Backfire represents 1970s bomber technology at a design
level comparable to the US B-1, it has a large growth potential as a weapons platform which would provide a significantly increased
precision strike capability to the PLA Air Force. It is conceivable that the PLAAF is also interested in Tu-160 'Blackjack' aircraft technology
that would offer greater strategic capabilities. China would also probably eventually like to produce its own reverse-engineered variants if
examples of these aircraft types were indeed somehow acquired.
Some recent reports indicate that China may have obtained the wreckage of the US F-117A Nighthawk stealth fighter that was downed
over Yugoslavia during March 1999. There is currently some debate as to whether China is now capable of designing or reverse-
engineering stealth aircraft comparable to the US F-117 and B-2, or more likely stealth cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles
(UAVs). China's aerospace industry has access to the required components of such aircraft including high-performance computers,
advanced composite materials and associated manufacturing techniques. It also has finite element analysis software used to assess
aerodynamic forces and stresses on three dimensional structures. These include Maxwell's equations related to radar reflectivity and
electromagnetic wave scattering used for determining a vehicle's radar cross section (RCS). Attempts to develop stealth systems are
therefore quite likely and other reports indicate the use of special coatings to provide some radar avoidance capabilities for older aircraft.
Other unconfirmed and speculative reports indicate that a H-9 medium bomber (Yuan Hong), possibly with some stealth characteristics
(including special radar absorbent coatings), is under development at Xi'an. However, this may also be closely related to the XXJ fighter
project, or possibly an Internet-inspired hoax. The H-9, if it exists, could be a co-operative programme between aircraft development
centres at Xi'an and Shenyang, and involve a twin-engined, Mach 2+ class design benefiting from the surmised sale of several Russian
Tu-22Ms to China during the 1990s. Prototype H-9 designs may possibly have undertaken flight tests by the late 1990s. The aircraft could
be powered by turbofan aero-engines adapted from the Tu-22M's, with a potential weapons payload that could include conventional
bombs, precision guided munitions (PGMs) and cruise missiles. In any event, it is likely that the PLAAF will be loath to abandon its
bomber capability, and will be seeking some form of replacement for the H-5 and H-6 beyond fighter bombers such as the JH-7/FBC-1
and Su-30.


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Kevin, please give out a comment or opinion also when you post an article, as this is a forum, not a news board.
Also, make sure the article is up to date. Venik's site haven't been updated much. (Though I could be wrong.)

H-9 information on the last section of 2.5
Last edited:


VIP Professional
Registered Member
6 hard points?

kevin JJW

Banned Idiot
6 hard points?

Yes it does 6 hard pints.
Babel Fish Translation

1 : Annihilates -14 fourth generation of heavy fighter plane: Annihilates -14 researches and develops by 601, uses two YWH-30-27 which develops by 624 core machine derivation development big thrust motor WS-17, pushes the nature compared to 10, the engine maximum thrust 17,500 kilograms, use the axial symmetry vector nozzle, the airplane contour have point image YF-23, this machines and tools have the better stealth performance, RCS are 0. 15 meters 2, have outstanding Asia, the supersonic lift-drag ratio, but the long time does not open the thrust augmentation to carry on the supersonic cruise and the good subsonic speed, the supersonic maneuver; Has stronger far, center, the close air combat ability, after carries advanced can cope with many goals attack the launch no matter the air-to-air center long-range missile, the big off-boresight launch angle anti- catches up with the short-range dog fight missile which harasses, high might precision guidance to place weapon and so on; Has the high performance the integrated navigation electricity system, in the fusion machine and machine outside the information, provides by the most concise form to the pilot condition posture information, fully plays pilot's role, and realization intelligence assistance flight.

2 Annihilates -15 medium fourth generation of fighter plane: Annihilates -15 researches and develops by 601, uses two YWH-20-13 which develops by 624 core machine derivation development high thrust ratio medium duty engine WS-15, the thrust ratio 10, single thrust force 9,500 kilograms

3: Annihilates -16 medium fourth generation of supersonic vertical short distance take off and landing fighter plane: Annihilates -16 researches and develops by 611. This machine development has profited from Russia's elegant gram -141 airplane. This machine uses the stealth design, has the transonic speed, the supersonic cruise ability. May simultaneously carry on the beyond line of sight attack to many goals, may carry out to the place, to sea, ground-to-air and so on many kinds of duties, this machine host cruise propulsion is WS-17, this machine the primary equipment naval air force, uses in to equip the navy to plan the amphibious assault ship or guards Nansha, the Xisha islands airport, supports my marine corps to battle

4 Annihilates -17 light fourth generation of multipurpose fighter plane: This machine has equipped two WS-14 light duty engine, is I is spatial, the navy massively will equip low gear fourth generation of fighter plane.

5 Strong -7 stealth attack airplane: Strong -7 is our country soon sets up a development the new generation short-range to support the attack airplane, has used the stealth design, equips the YWH-30-27 core machine derivation development which develops by 624 slightly to contain the road not to compare thrust augmentation 涡fan engine WS-18, the maximum thrust 10000-11000 kilogram, has the certain supersonic cruise ability. This machine gradually will replace our country to be strong -5.

6 Annihilates the bang -8 ground attack bomber aircraft: Annihilates the bang -8 is the new generation of ground attack bomber aircraft which our country is going to develop. It developed has referred to Russia's Soviet -34, was annihilates in -11 foundation in our country alone to innovate the development. But this machine and Soviet - 34 different are, has used the stealth design. This machine maximum range 7,000 kilometers, the engine uses is two Y which develop by 624 WH-25-17 core machine derivation development pushing compared to 91 levels of is bigger thrust motors WS-16, the single maximum thrust 14,000 kilograms, the bomb-carrying capacity amounts to above 10 tons

7- Bang -9 strategic bomber: The bang -9 sets up the item in 95 years to start the advanced research. This machine in the situation which 无空 center refuels, the range may surpass 8,000 kilometers, has air refueling the situation range to surpass 12,000 kilometers. This machine cruising speed may reach 2M, the defense penetration speed may achieve surpasses 4M, the bomb-carrying capacity 20 tons -40 ton. This machine also has the better stealth performance. The engine is four the YWH- 30-27 core machine derivation development big thrust force which develop by 624, pushes compares 101 stage motors WS-19, the maximum thrust is 18,700 kilograms.


Junior Member
please what is this plane????

I can't understand what these posts are all about. Can you give details of the plane in the photo.

Thanks in advance.

kevin JJW

Banned Idiot
please what is this plane????

I can't understand what these posts are all about. Can you give details of the plane in the photo.

Thanks in advance.
the plane in photo is a H-6 bombers it look that it have 6 hard points.
the rest of posts is Babel Fish Translation.


Junior Member
wow thanks for the news I knew the H-6 were modified to carry 4 missiles I mean four hard points 6 is new to me. I wonder when was this photo leaked.
Have you any clue on the type of missile being used on the photo !!!!