What are the thoughts on relative efficacy in use cases between a flying wing type subsonic heavy bomber and a "big fighter" conventional layout type (like a bigger J-20 with an internal rotary launcher) with supersonic capability?
For a subsonic flying wing, there's a few issues that may reduce it's efficacy in a peer conflict;
1. Vulnerability to IR tracking and 100% unable to escape if caught
2. Slower response speed to rapidly changing events
3. Lower payload for equal thrust due to higher drag (from thick wing).
Just comparing B2 with B1 - they have equal thrust (4x 77 kN) but B2 has half the payload.
Alot of the advantages of a flying wing - the capability to drop dumb bombs on weak adversaries - isn't useful to the PLAAF. The purpose of a bomber in PLAAF doctrine should be closer to Russian - as a big missile truck.
A conventional layout may have some advantages:
1. Can potentially still escape if caught, particularly at edge of engagement windows
2. Can have high payload for equal thrust
3. Still can have a low RCS since design techniques have vastly improved since the B1 and Tu160.
Assuming one wants to keep costs (developmental, but also procurement and mostly operational) under control, IMO, of the below three characteristics, with current technology, one can only pick two:
1 - Stealthy/VLO
2 - Large size (payload and range)
3 - High speed (supersonic capable)
Trying to develop an aircraft with all three of those characteristics would result in an exorbitantly expensive aircraft.
IMO, any modern clean sheet bomber or combat aircraft must be stealthy/VLO for be appropriate for the modern and future combat environment, meaning criteria 1 already occupies one of the two characteristics.
H-20, from our consensus understanding, should fulfill criteria 1 and 2 (if it is indeed a modern flying wing with a weight class in that of B-2 rather than B-21).
If you want a stealthy/VLO bomber aircraft that was high speed/supersonic, then IMO you inevitably have to downsize your aircraft. I suspect practically speaking you'll end up with something between Tu-22M3 and F-111 in size.
Of course, that is where the interest around the so called JH-XX comes in.