I mean, is there an inferiority complex if the H-20 ends up having inferior stealth, but better payload for cost than the American equivalent?
Counter-stealth technology is coming a long way, to the extent than the H-20 / B-2 etc are negatable by the right types of radars at certain ranges, although not necessarily stand-off ranges. A Russian-type "good enough" level of stealth is sufficient for bomber aircraft if the goal is simply to prevent them from being sniped off at long-ranges by fighter aircraft. Since pure bombers are not optimized for short-range air-to-air combat, the relative lack of stealth-based survivability is not an issue at present counter-stealth technology levels.
What, in my view, is crucial with the H-20, is more its combination of payload and range, and we are seeing the Americans head toward the same direction. The B-21, from all available drawings, seems to emphasize a larger main body and smaller wings, although fully planform aligned with the main body. The H-20 seems to be headed in the same direction, but likely sacrificing planform alignment for higher efficiency and internal bay volume.