We know the Chinese intended for the H 20 program to be no surprise when actual hardware sees the light of the day.
There are two ways to do this.
One is to release teasers through official or semi-official sources. This they have already done, in the form of an elaborately staged photo apparently showing iH 20 sitting primly under the cover of a canvas. From this you can tell it is a stealthy flying wing of considerable size, but not much else.
The second approach is to leak things to unofficial sources and Then let them run with the information. There is in both the release of information, and a deniability.
If the model is shown above is a good representation all of the Chinese Stealth bomber, it might be assumed this was not the primary source of the leak. She was not the leaker. she was the receiver of leaked information.
That is my entire point.
Based on past PLA practice, there is no reason for us to believe that the aircraft depicted model/magazine cover shows the details of the true final design, rather than just being a non-official educated guess, based off rumours and leaks.
We had dozens of depictions of different CGIs and speculative models for J-20 in the mid to late 2000s (when it was still known as J-XX), all of which were educated guesses.
Some of them came close, but that was all they were -- educated guesses, based off rumours and leaks.
So why would you think it would be different for H-20? Why do you think the PLA would allow the specific true design of the aircraft to be revealed to this level of detail as depicted by the model and the magazine?
Because what you're suggesting is a massive departure from their practice.
There is a difference between hinting at the general role and configuration of a new aircraft.
It is something else to provide images or models of a new aircraft revealing specific planform and alignment angles, engine placement, and proportions, and details of moving parts (weapons bay doors, landing gear doors, or folding tails if any), cockpit size and canopy geometry etc.