Pardon to step in, but by "what pattern"?? What makes you believe that the H-20 is already at a point comparable to other projects we know, where already a prototype was unveiled or even flying? On what do you fix this "at this point"?
IMO on nothing since we know in fact nothing and as such any noise in the public and the true progress of a certain project are in no way comparable.
The pattern I'm referring to is admittedly very rough and impossible to properly measure by quantifying. It is basically the amount of noise from CCP regarding H-20 program. For example all the leaked information from the typical sources who have been relatively accurate and "inside". Also the "The Next" hints and that advertisement which basically copies the format of the Northrup Grumman advertisement.
Comparing this much "noise" about H-20 from officially allowed leaks, to let's say J-20 where we were hinted at J-xx 5th gen projects only a few years before actual photos of "first" prototypes came out of model 2001. Then now we have found out that PLAAF's 5th gen competition between SAC and CAC have been going on for many years before model 2001 and possibly advanced design phases of SAC's triplane competitor. That means roughly the time when there was noise created about J-xx that reached English speaking forums, the real SAC and CAC programs were close to prototypes. 2001 flew first in Chengdu CAC airfield allegedly. I personally doubt they would have risked such a thing and bet 2001 or predecessor prototype/s have flown in desert or remote military test sites. 2001's flight was very simply a publicity show for both Robert Gates' visit that week and the Chinese/global public.
Given how similar amount of "noise" about H-20 now, if we assume the same disclosure levels and rules, H-20 program should be nearing prototype stages if not further. Now considering how H-20 is arguably strategically a bit more important than a fighter, it should reasonably be even further along. JL-3 had almost no noise surrounding it but test launches were verified by international intel community observers. There was hardly much gap between "noise" and test launches so H-20 should really be of a similar nature. Maybe somewhere between J-20 and JL-3. Even less "noise" for WZ-8 UAV. In fact we have known China had several mystery UAVs that looked or were suggested to be super fast and stealth ones. We knew for a few years and then the parade shows WZ-8 and months later it is suggested they've been used plenty of times in the past. Sharp sword or GJ-11 we have known for a while but its status of being in service already wasn't that well known until the parade.
So basically I'm trying to suggest the H-20 "noise" should indicate its progress but we have been hearing it for two years now with no further clues at all. It's just a little out of place that's all.