Re: Great China VS U.S war book
petty officer1 said:
come on people, this is a great book. DO YOU want to go read tom clancy's "Russian USA winner and chinese loser" (bear and dragon)? I rather read Jeff's book any day. if you don't like it, why read it. it is just like music, don't like it, trun it off.
If a man can write a book with this much infos, there should be a pad on the back.
Well I think the reason why there has been so much discussion regarding this book is that we can actually talk to the author and get a feel for what he was thinking when he was writing and what not. It's certainly a breath of fresh air (relatively) compared to some of the technothrillers we see nowadays, and if it was something as dumb as some of Clancy's works I doubt people would take the time and effort to read through it thoroughly and give their opinions on what they find good, objectionable, and worth noting. So yeah, I say kudos to Jeff and those that are providing feedback, (albeit generally negative).
Well, I have read through the whole thread again. There are many comments of all types, some directly about the book and the reading of it, some about the technology in the book, some about political considerations, some about me personally and what people think my beliefs may be, quite a few about neutral subjects, and of responses.
I tried to tally them into positive, negative, and neutral categoires. If someone said something generally, or very favorable about the book, it was positive. If the tone was generally, or very negative...that was negative. If the cooments was about something different...or about someone else's comment and not really relating to the book, that was neutral...and of course, I threw out my own commnets in this tally. I had:
29 positive comments
16 negative comments
25 neutral comments
...but that is just my count
The positive comments came from quite a few different people. The negative comments have all come from three of four people of the same people (and one in particular) who have engaged me in what they think is wrong with the book...and most of those (though not all) are on the last three or four pages of the thread), and particularly about what they assume that I must think. In terms of actual numbers it is two to one postive...and would be higher except that a particular individual chose to make many negative comments...but that's okay, that is what that individual feels and they are free to their own thoughts. I have tried to respond fairly and with reason to each poster and explain myself and the book.
In the end, I think the exchange and my own efforts to try andbe understanding and fairly respond without getting all bent out of shape help the book overall...that's the way I was raised.
Anyhow, thanks to both of you for your own responses and all adds to the whole.