Fooled me with that 565 sign in the back ground..The boat may have been USN orginally ..but in this pic,as I have examined it is not a USN sub at the time of this pic..May have been transfered from the USN to another navy....I dunno what it is
Guess Lima Class sub. Confused by flag, Bulgarian??? - (EDIT: flag looked like old style Bulgarian Ensign but clearly isn't).
EDIT2: Googled it in Russian and am 100% certain my guess was right. I am in disbelief that my 1980s recognition lessons efforts paid off. How on earth have I stored a profile image of an obscure sub in my head all these years when I can't even remember what I had for supper last night???? I surprise even myself
Yes, it's Project 1840. Interesting that tactical number is often given as BS-555, although the photo clearly shows 565.
P.S. I'm pissed off. I'm never here when the question is posted.