Gollevainen's quizz of the week (older)

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Junior Member
Re: Gollevainen's quizz of the week

Congratulation, this is the right answer. :nana:
Your turn.

Costas 240GD

Junior Member
Re: Gollevainen's quizz of the week

Thank you zaky.
Try this:


Re: Gollevainen's quizz of the week

Northrop F-15 Reporter reconnaissance aircraft ...
a photographic reconnaissance version of the P-61 Black Widow.
Pre 1948 F stood for photo, in contrast to post 1948 were it means fighter.
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Costas 240GD

Junior Member
Re: Gollevainen's quizz of the week

Scratch is closer, but still not correct. The F-15 Reporter was derived from the plane in the photo. look at the pic more carefully.


Re: Gollevainen's quizz of the week

I would then say Northrop P-61E, wich were P-61B-10s converted to long range daytime escort fighters. A tandem cockpit wich replaced the turret. Additional fuel tanks in the rear at the former radar operators cockpit. The radar in the nose was replaced with four cal.50 machine guns.
The first prototyp of it was later converted to a XF-15.
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