Gollevainen's quizz of the week (older)

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VIP Professional
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Re: Gollevainen's quizz of the week

Planeman got ti right first, It was Sukhoi Su-37, tough it got nothnig to do with the Berkut other than sharing the number "37". It was Sukhois proposal for new soviet tactical fighter late 80's to replace MiG-23, Su-22 and Su-25. It was to be powered by single R-79 or AL-41 highthrust turbofan.

But as spring is coming, lets make another special quizz...like we did last crishtmass. The rules are the same: I will post five pictures and you will give me correct anwsers via PM. I need exact types, so for example single "Hercules" wont do if I'm asking Lockheed EC-130E...got it?
And ofcourse the prizes are the same, the one first giving me a correct awnsers to all five pics, will be honoured to Vip-member...So it's rather attractive option for full time army service, don't you think?
Also to give everyone a same change, i will close this thread so none would accidentaly post here...

The winner is annouced in 1.6 2006.

Good luck



VIP Professional
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Re: Gollevainen's quizz of the week

well the spring quizz seem kind a flop, only one answer came, and it was almoust correct, but not enough....to make planeman a vip member...

Anyway, I admit that the choises were bit difficoult one and would have required good knowledge over aviation, other than sexy fighter planes and sthealt bombers that seems to be more common.

The rigth answers are:

1. Fairchild Fh-227
2. Douglas C-133B Cargomaster
3. Shorts Belfast
4. Sud-Est S.E.2010 Armagnac
5. Beriev Be-32

ok, here is the nezt one...
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VIP Professional
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Re: Gollevainen's quizz of the week

Well the rigth answer would have been PLANs Wolei class minelayer, and easy one considering that Dongfengs mainsite has quite good picture for reconition. Frankly Im bit dissapointed, Minewarfare is much more important factor in warfare than lets say sthealth bombers, which seems to drawn all the attention...
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anyway lets try this "shtealth bomber"...


VIP Professional
Re: Gollevainen's quizz of the week

Cold you post picture taken from other angle?
IAR-99 Soim? Or Yugoslav G-4? I guess that is one of them because I it looks that it is armed whit AA-8 AAM?
Probably IAR -99...


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Re: Gollevainen's quizz of the week

I think it's the G-4. But the missile looks like a Python.


VIP Professional
Re: Gollevainen's quizz of the week

sumdud said:
I think it's the G-4. But the missile looks like a Python.

I can’t see clearly because of photographs angle, but if you are right and it has Python then it is definitely IAR-99 SOIM...


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Re: Gollevainen's quizz of the week

Definately the IAR-99 Soim. The photo was taken at the Expomil '99 in Bucurest.


Banned Idiot
Re: Gollevainen's quizz of the week

It has to be IAR-99. Why? Ive seen pics of the plane with the exact same paint scheme.


it appears this is standard pain scheme for all romainia IAR-99s


VIP Professional
Re: Gollevainen's quizz of the week

It is IAR-99... Just look at nose section... G-4 nose section looks differently…
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