Re: Gollevainen's quizz of the week
Rommel got it right first, The real awnser was BTR-50PU. Now i tryed bit confusion as the the pic was found under the name OT-62 which it howere wasen't. There were two good indications for the fraud and a general reconition guides to these two vehicles. First, the addition of seccond "buble" in the front. Normal BTR-50 have only one but both OT-62 and BTR-50PU has additional one. The actual thing to separetes these two are the apcent of hull door which is abcent in this pic which means it cannot be OT-62. SEccond proof of the fraud is that East Germany didn't use OT-62s so the DDR insiginia tell's a lot.
But now something completely different. I'm now going to test few times this new technique of posting only the siluet of the vehicles. I have no advanced photoshoping programs so they all are made using simply the Microsoft Paint. Thats the reason why they may seem grude and fuzzy. Feel free to post comments and toughts wheter this system is any good so that i would know if it whortawhile to spend a hour to paint these things?
Also this first is quite easy one, i left clear regonition features visible. I will tell more about the rules and what kind of pics i will post if this gets enough attention. If not, then we just go as usual tough couple siluettes may appear occasionaly....