Genome and Genetics Disccussions (Stay within SD Rules)


Registered Member
, Sorry folks for intruding upon this fascinating discussionwith my OT contribution,but I would like to make a correction. That honour belongs to CK Yang of Taiwan who was also known as the Iron man of Asia
just correction of fact and clarification.
Solarz brought Liu Xiang's Gold medal in Olympics and World Champianship multiple times. Note only in Asia, but the world.

Yang Chuan-kwang being great too, but he got Silver medal in Olympic 1960.

So I must say that your statement here does not refute Solarz's words.


Registered Member
From memory, In his book “The way of the Runner” Adharanand Finn said that the Japanese love and a great participants in road running with a lot of very fast times posted in the half marathon. Their main objective is to participate as part of a corporate relay team in the “Ediken” which is run over 135 miles. After achieving this goal, continued interest in running starts to wane. I think that’s why we may never see the Japanese run as good as they might.
Thanks for the details. However, I suggest we avoid putting too much attention on individual achievement (Liu Xiang) and a specific category (Marathon or Half Marathon) when discussing Genetics or Training because the subject is about probability and distribution over a large population.