Game of Hoi2: Gollevainen vs. Ender Viggin ...and all related to this game


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Well i using my brothers I wont be able to play in this weekend...i will take my computer to the guy whome i get it in monday and we'll see if there is anything salavaged by the end of the next week...


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Well yesterday was a grabby day in general, first some brick poured milk on my jeans in schools cantin, then when i got home and starting to make the DAIm update the computer cracked then they shut down the Keypublishing forum...and finaly, the thing that pisses me this Led Zeppelin forum, some guy offered me the complete '79 Knebworht gig in bootleg DVD, but as my computer craked down i couldn't recieve you can imagine just how great weekend this is going to be:mad: :mad:


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Alright my computer is returned to me and nothing is damaged. Tough we had to delete the seccond copy of the HOI2 and i was adviced by the builder of my comp, that i shouldn't download any more updates...:confused:

Well i'm not going to risk my comp again so i have to take his advice. But i think we can still play in the older way, without the DAIM?

Ender Wiggin

Junior Member
daim is not a patch/update its just a mod to improve the AI and doesnt change the registry settings or damage the computer in any way. But it is time consumming to make a backup of Hoi2 so I geuss we'll just use vanilla hoi2 for now.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Ok lets take it back....the bloody comp isen't still working properly...the guy who was fixing it weren't awere of the real propelm and didn't check it (he just tought there were some bugs....) so i quess we need to wait yeat another week to sort this thing out. But i'm afraid the news can be very bad as I myself fear that the entire harddisc is gonna crack....