Game of Hoi2: Gollevainen vs. Ender Viggin ...and all related to this game

Ender Wiggin

Junior Member
For all SDF members who possess Hearts of Iron 2 please contact me via icq or msn ([email protected]) (205-365-489) to organize a game of Hoi2.

It will be the Grand Campaign from 1936-1948. from 4 PM Finnish time to 8/9 PM finnish time.

Or 7 AM Eastern Standard Time (Montral, Pima) to 11/12 AM/PM.

Call your countries:



Germany :: Ender_Wiggin



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so that we may communicate while playing the game, just is so that we can still communicate should the game crash for one of our members *cough* Gollevanen */cough*

Also for those interested
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where one can look at the game we're playing and if you wish to possess it contact me and I'll find you a store in your nearest location offering the best price. If you do not possess ICQ,
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, if you donot have MSN
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The USA may not enter the war until 1942 or unless an Axis player DOW's (Declaration of War) a Manroe Doctrine Nation.

Play intelligently and with respect.

You may not cancel trade agreements right off the bat you may renegotiate them or cancel them via event but when you start the game you may not cancel trade agreements unless they are truly not in your best interest later on.

Try to role play, treat Garantee's of Independance's intelligently and act on them when they're broken.

::Reasoning:: To prevent Germany from DoWing Luxemburg and Italy because the AI allies would DoW Germany in responce, a human player may not do likewise, the point is that if you are garanteeing the independance of a nation you must defend in some way::

For events like MR-Pact only accept portions of the Pact that are historical, events like "USA Elections, Dem or Rep" are however within your choice to change.

::Reasoning:: To keep things Balance, Germany could refuse the MR Pact to put USSR at a severe disadvantage.

Japan may not DoW a China until the 1937 July Mukden Bridge Incident Event.

::Reasoning:: A smart human can always beat an AI China, this is to prevent it form being a walk over.

More to come later.

Also I shotgun Germany, I'm an experiance Germany player.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Game I of Hoi2: For March 4th 2006

Ok Glly is Soviet union....or AI lower!!!

Ender Wiggin

Junior Member
Re: Game I of Hoi2: For March 4th 2006

Argh, no one registered and I overslept.

Okay lets reschedual this who is interested in playing and knows what times/days they are availiable? After sunday though I'll only be availiable weekday afternoons (Canada time). Though weekends I may be able to play at a time more reasonable for europeans.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Game I of Hoi2: For March 4th 2006

Well i have my spring brake in next week so technically im available to whole time...but Im not planned to spend my entire holidya by gaming...

Ender Wiggin

Junior Member
Re: Game I of Hoi2: For March 4th 2006

Mine is ending, so my weekday evenings or weekends.

C'mon people! Who is is interested in playing!

Ender Wiggin

Junior Member
Game I: Hearts of Iron 2 Ender vs. Gollevainen

Ender: Germany
Gollevainen: SSSR

Scenario: January 1 1936 Grand Campaign

End date before save: September 2 1940

German Perspective


I cannot stress how important it is in the Grand Campaign to plan out what you'll be needing for the war, from 1936-1939 (if Germany or Initial Allies) planning is everything, for Germany even more so, Germany your best bet is to expand upon the army everything it will need in sufficient if not well to do numbers.

Plan: To have a first rate airforce by 1939.

To have a first rate mechanized force ready by 1940.

To have ready "elite" troops such as marines and airborne divisions in numbers nessasary to carry out operations, some 4-6 Marines and 6-9 Airborn divisions.

Once these goals can be met you'll be able to execute the war with enough initial assets to execute the war and if need be hold out for reinforcements.

In 1936 I decided to begin with the construction of transport planes Ju-52's, 3 in parallel and 2 in series with a total of 6 Ju52's planned bu august 1936.

I focused mostly on upgrades at first to upgrade from the Ju52 bombers to Dornier-16's bombers.

I researched CAS Stuka's and 1938 tactical bombers Heinkel-111.

I concentrated on relevent techs such as computers, encyption/decyption, industrial tech and mostly air doctrines.

But eventually I would research light tanks PzIIc and then PzIIf

1939 inf, marines, and airborn tech's.

But back to production from late 1936-1938 I build 9 CAS bombers, 12 TAC bombers, 9 Intecepters (Me109F) and some 8 Escourt Fighters.

from 1938 to 1939 I built infantry usually 3 by 20, Marines 2 by 2 and Airborn 3 by 2.

Tanks 3 by 4, and Motorized 3 by 20.


In September 1st 1939 I invaded Poland; I utilized 3 army groups, one operating in Prussia, one in the Brandenburg district and the last in Silesia.

The goal was simple:

Capture: Dunkirk, krakow, Warsaw, Lodz.

Silisia grupp captured Krakow and raced for Lods and Warsaw, Prussia group raced south. Dunkirk from Brandenburg was captured without a fight and the race for Warsaw was on from 3 directions.

Poland surrended with the Red Army approching from the East in 7 days.

***More late***


VIP Professional
Registered Member
I merged this to the previous one...

Well in my part the game moved along pretty well...I didnt manage to win Winter war, but guess there were emotional things involved, heh:rofl: ...But i know whos coming, and i thing i know the perfect way to stop them way before they reach Leningrad, Stalingrad and Moscow...hope it works...

Ender Wiggin

Junior Member
After Poland, the phoney war came around, here I concentrated on building replacement transportships (the english torpeedoed the first ones), I continued to build tanks, motorized inf and of course normal leg infantry.

The British bombers forced me to build up the AA defences of my major ports, also there a airwar happening as the Allies tried to bomb my industry to the ground.

However England tried to mine the waters (Altmark Incident) off of Norway forcing me to intervene with the invasion of Denmark and Norway, Denmark collapsed within a day and within 5 days Norway capitulated when I used airborne troops to capture narvik.

I secured Scandinavia with the transportation of some 6 divisions of garrisons and infantry while I evacuated my airborne and marine divisions for use elsewhere.

May 1940:

On may 10th I invaded France and the Low Countries.

I bashed through the Low Countries and as I did so distracted some 10 key French divisions while under the Command of Rommel, Gudarian and Manstein I attacked through the Ardennes, captured Bastonne, crossed the Meusse and from there began promptly to overrun france.

Crushing the low countries due to insufficient troops took longer then expected but ones the Initial French resistence was sweppt aside and Gudarian reached the Channel I began slowly to squeeze Belgium tight province by province until Antwerpt surrendered and the Belgain government capitulated.

The french fought like devils to protect Paris but were overrun in good time and once Paris fell there was only light French resistance until the government fell and the Vichy government took over and of course signed an arminstance.

Once I secured my shores I relocated my airforce to bases in Northern france.

I also moved my marine divisions and my paratrooper divisions into positions.

Italy joined my Alliance, and so they'res a war happening in Africa and the Italians are progressing.

But ya, in July I landed 3 Marine divisions in Dover with 6 Paratrooper divisions landing in Dover at the same time from planes.

Dover I captured and after an unsuccessful attmept to drive me to the sea I consolidated my position and pushed outwards.

I secured the beaches and soon broke out to surround London, captured it and then drove the English further north.

Currently I am laying siege to scapa Flow and then we had to save here's some pictures.


Here's my technology and what I'm researching.

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Here's the Far East Japan got stalled and doesn't look like will be able to conquer China.


Here's the map of Europe, August, currently the game is in september but the only Chanage is England.


All is quiet on the Eastern Front.


Italy is advancing in Egypt. Go go Italiano!


I advanced further into England, muahaha die!


VIP Professional
Registered Member
I'll play once I find sometime, which would probably not be till spring break or summer.... but by them I'll be addicted to Battlefield 2 (we can duke it out there)! :D