1.is single-engined 5th gen fighter desirable for PLAAF?
Yes, it probably is. It will significantly increase optimal 5th gen ratio in the fleet. J-31 is of questional use here, since i don't really see how it planaf development is going to be cheaper than j-20.
2.Is it within reach for China?
Most probably, yes. China has the money it takes to develop additional 5th gen platforms, engine question will be solved, sooner or later.
3.Is it feasible?
The most difficult question to answer. PLAAF can have a lot of money(yet more if the current confrontation course is going to continue), but how much resulting fleet will exceed alternative one with lower 5th gen part(but higher ratio of heavy 5th gens to compensate)? Or there can be other solutions(i really look forward to see what a "true 4.5 gen" like kf-x is going to bring to the table)
But i will carefully say what "yes". J-10 can be relatively painlessly displaced by stealthy replacement.
But i believe what J-11s and, especially, their newer strike/ew versions won't leave us anytime soon, though. They are just too good of a platforms for non-stealthy applications.
Su-34 and F-15E can exceed 12t of useful payload. That counts for something.
4.What to expect?
The hardest question. But imho, PLAAF won't go for a strike fighter, a2a optimized bird is likelier.