Hi Guys! I've been busy studing for my midterm exams so I was absent from this forum for a while.
I got some questions and a comment:
-The canard upgrades while possible, do not improve the current fleet of Flankers sufficiently to justify their costs. The upgrades should be focused on where they're truly needed, and those are the radars, the precision attack capabilities, and long range AAMs.
-Now that we know that WS-10A is probably ready, will they be actually used on Flankers in the PLAAF? I sense the need to ask the question when I thought about what exactly was stated on the Flanker contracts between China and Russia. Did the Russians permit PLAAF to use indiginous parts? What % of parts can be indiginous? If Russia did permit China, was that because Russia never expected China to indiginously design a AL31 class engine this quick? If China builds more J11s with nearly 100% components, do they need a license from Russia? If this is actually illegal, will China purchase more license or simply ignore the Russian response? Will Russia retaliate by oil embargo on China?