Re: China's Space Program, News & Views
Bring components from earth to the moon just so you can launch it from the moon again to somewhere else simply doesn't pay. It may be true that you can't get to Mars without having acquired the ability to also get to the moon. But there is noreason why it behoves you to make any stops on the moon on the way to Mars.
Moon as a outpost for launching interplanetary missions is one of the bogus ideas left over from 1960s science fiction. At best it is a trial ground, sort of like a death valley in orbit, just as death valley on earth was used to validate Apollo technology.
A moon base would serve more functions than just launching shuttles to Mars. It would also serve for scientific research and resource mining, so you will need regular supply trips from Earth. Those supply trips can bring prefabricated shuttle modules which can then be assembled on the moon.
Technology doesn't stay static, and you need to be able to plan for the future. Modular construction has already proven itself with China's skyscrapers, and as technology evolves, it will soon become viable for space-faring vessels. The moon base certainly does not need to refine its own raw materials.
The distance between Earth and Moon is only 384,400 km. The minimum distance between Earth and Mars is 54.6 million km, and between Earth and Venus is 38 million km. Venus is 100 times further from Earth than the Moon is, so if we can't make round-trips to the moon economically worthwhile, then Venus colonization would not be worthwhile either. Same thing goes for Mars, except it's even further.
So the logic is, if we're planning to colonize another planet, we might as well do it from the Moon, because if we can't even get that right, we shouldn't be aiming for another planet.
Bring components from earth to the moon just so you can launch it from the moon again to somewhere else simply doesn't pay. It may be true that you can't get to Mars without having acquired the ability to also get to the moon. But there is noreason why it behoves you to make any stops on the moon on the way to Mars.
Moon as a outpost for launching interplanetary missions is one of the bogus ideas left over from 1960s science fiction. At best it is a trial ground, sort of like a death valley in orbit, just as death valley on earth was used to validate Apollo technology.
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