Funny Stuff Thread.... to loosen your day

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Moderator - World Affairs
I always follow anti-China forums, whether its r/China, China_irl, pincong or anti-China twitter personalities like Baldingsworld or Josh Rogin. This is how you get to understand what they are thinking. If they are attacking something in particular you can be sure it will slowly get to mainstream anti-China thinking, mainstream western media also gets idea from these places and it eventually can lead to policy action by the west.

For example, right now all these anti-China places are full of attacking Palestianians and supporting Israel content. So, China has truly lost the limelight even in China forums.

During Covid, the lableak theory was peddled by these places long before the mainstream media ever did. These places also came up with the theory China faking its GDP growth or China building too much just to inflate GDP growth. Now regular western media regularly makes them same arguments.

These idiots are worthless to even acknowledge, their opinion actually does not impact real world policy or change reality. Their deranged delusions is just cope, they can't do anything except live in a fantasy and made up BS.

It's not worth posting trash from there, many come to SDF specifically to avoid the subreddit like r/geopolitics or r/China which are circle jerks. It's equivalent to YouTube comment section or Disqus/Yahoo comment section, trash is trash.


New Member
Registered Member
These idiots are worthless to even acknowledge, their opinion actually does not impact real world policy or change reality. Their deranged delusions is just cope, they can't do anything except live in a fantasy and made up BS.

It's not worth posting trash from there, many come to SDF specifically to avoid the subreddit like r/geopolitics or r/China which are circle jerks. It's equivalent to YouTube comment section or Disqus/Yahoo comment section, trash is trash.
Don't forget the IG channels. The so called freedom journalist write in traditional Chinese and are just as bad. I recently saw one comparing the recent culling of stray dogs to the Nanjing massacre.

I would post a picture but after seeing the previous few pages I think it's better if I don't.


Senior Member
Registered Member
These idiots are worthless to even acknowledge, their opinion actually does not impact real world policy or change reality. Their deranged delusions is just cope, they can't do anything except live in a fantasy and made up BS.

It's not worth posting trash from there, many come to SDF specifically to avoid the subreddit like r/geopolitics or r/China which are circle jerks. It's equivalent to YouTube comment section or Disqus/Yahoo comment section, trash is trash.
Can SDF organize a consortium of Chinese investors to take over

This way western salt, tears and cope will quite literally be powering and contributing to the growth of the Chinese economy.



Registered Member
What are those lunatics end goal or at least, wish for China to become or be satisfied with? Thar China becomes like India? An appendage to American diktat? Who's their ideological heroes and what sort of magical democratic fairies those people idolize, political theorist that they admire, and most of all, why would they yearn a war that involves the use of nukes between China and U.S. when the end result is End of life as we know it?

It's one thing to admire and yearn for Western democratic style chaos, it's quite unhinged and literally crazy to wish cataclysm on a world ending proportions. They're nothing but NUTJOBS worthy of derision and oblivion.
I don't think they really have a plan. The American cope is that they want to divide China like Nazi Germany wanted to divide Europe. But cope isn't the actual plan, because they don't have any concrete steps that can be taken to achieve it. It's maybe a bit like incels or white supremacists that dream about the moment they take revenge on women/minorities, despite such a moment would never come due to realistic factors.

(Many) Americans simply spend their time being ridiculously anti China, without a clear end game plan. This is also their government line.

In truth, the deteriorating living standards in US makes many feel threatened, and their government tells them it is the fault of China, who is "against their way of life". Just like in American pop media, where 1 superhero can completely destroy the "baddies", some Americans who have too poor education don't know what the PLA actually does. So they think they can win a nuclear war against even a technologically superior country, believing that if that happened, their living quality and American power would increase, like how the movies show a good ending.

Very simplistic thinking, similar to uneducated peasants in Qing thinking that they can become impervious to bullets and cannons just by doing rituals.
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