Funny Stuff Thread.... to loosen your day

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Huawei stuck the stick so far up their asses that they are doomed to repeat the five stages of grief like a butthurt Sisyphus.
Are these troll images including the Raimundo ones really from Huawei or are they all fan made? Cus if Huawei's going all out like this, it really means they've war-gamed every possible American/Western ban and underhanded tactic and concluded that Huawei and China are at a stage where total victory in the tech war can be assumed. Either that or they are trying to enrage the US so much that it blows a blood vessel in its brain so it can be baited into making even worse mistakes in its mental haze. Whatever it is, if these images are coming from Huawei, something big is up because this is not normal behavior for the company or China in general.
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