Funny Stuff Thread.... to loosen your day

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I post this photo for fun only. Sometimes, photos may cheat you. For example (just my guess), the part of rail which was under the layer machine was going into its position but not yet finished, so it looks like they didn't align to each other.
Yes, I had a hard time believing that two sets of railway tracks being laid from opposite directions to "meet in the middle" could be so misaligned like that. I think the picture shows the laying of prefabricated track sections, i.e., lengths of rail already fastened to sleepers/ties. (Traditionally in laying ballasted track, first the ballast is placed, then the sleepers/ties, and then the rails.) It seems to me that the track section in the foreground has been set down temporarily, and later it's going to be picked up and moved into the correct position. By machine of course, not by hand.
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