Who actually does the transcripts for Biden at the White House?
You can do this again every sprint.....
- Denial: no, that's a stupid idea, we're not going to do it.
- Bargaining: okay, maybe if we build this feature, they'll be satisfied.
- Anger: what? more scope creep?
- Depression: so many bugs...
- Acceptance: eh, screw this, just ship it.
Based and techbropilledI mean, it's actually the Waterfall model, just stated differently. Notice the order is actually "Denial-Bargaining-Anger-Depression-Acceptance" compared to the conventional order of "Denial-Anger-Bargaining-Depression-Acceptance".
... although I suppose the conventional order could also work.
- Requirement Gathering/Analysis - Denial: "Guys, guys! Don't worry about it. We can fix this. This seems simple enough. It's not a problem, guys!"
- System Design - Bargaining: "I have talked to the client, and they wanted it that way, exactly, to the letter. I was assured that the client had a reason for doing it that way. I'm assured of this."
- Implementation - Anger: "Wh- wh- what the f*ck? The f*ck is this sh*t? It doesn't even actually work! There is no way this could work. How? Just how?"
- Testing/Verification - Depression: "This whole thing is a buggy mess. It's a spaghetti monster. Nothing makes logical sense, and it's impossible to tell which part caused which change. Where is my bottle of Everclear?"
- Maintenance - Acceptance: "I'm outta here. Bonne chance, boys."