Funny Stuff Thread.... to loosen your day

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I guess karma is a Sharon Stone sometimes huh?
“We just want our customers and fans to realize that her personal comments are not related to the company and of course we don’t support any type of commentary that will hurt the feelings of our customers,”

The customers? Her remarks are anti human and not just anti customers.

However, American state affiliated companies and media have no interest in distancing themselves from such remarks, because they're in reality dogwhistles for what their leaders really think.

Let her losses in money and health be a reminder that God hates fascist scum.


Those stripes LOLOL If this is real, some video-editing intern is gonna get canned at the White House. I also think it makes no sense at all that after a "strike" that caused the drone to crash, the camera could not only come back on but come back on to show the propeller working and the drone still appearing to be in calm controlled flight (judging by the horizon in the background). I know American politicians lie as a hobby, a sport and a career but you would think that that allows them to get better at it, not worse!


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Those stripes LOLOL If this is real, some video-editing intern is gonna get canned at the White House. I also think it makes no sense at all that after a "strike" that caused the drone to crash, the camera could not only come back on but come back on to show the propeller working and the drone still appearing to be in calm controlled flight (judging by the horizon in the background). I know American politicians lie as a hobby, a sport and a career but you would think that that allows them to get better at it, not worse!
Also how in the heck does an aircraft collide with the back propeller of a drone without colliding with the drone itself.


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I dunno...Emily looks like the cheat'n type. If I were him I'd consider a paternity test.


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