Funny Stuff Thread.... to loosen your day

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I forgot about the ideology part, but I took a look, there are other states like Bangladesh whose formal name is the People's Republic of Bangladesh.

Well one would think any People's Republic would be at least nominally communist/socialist. However it looks like that's not really a safe assumption because Luhansk People's Republic and Donetsk People's Republic are not (Luhansk being the one that's closer to socialism of the two).

I actually spit out my water when I saw this reply.
Is this what winning feels like? :cool:
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Registered Member
Remember this song?

From the movie Bulworth about a politician who felt he sold out his ideals so he wants to kill himself. Figuring his demise is imminent, he goes on to promote socialist ideals like Single-payer healthcare.

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Now the artist is accused of helping the CPC

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Good luck with that US government. Their case is built around the China’s pursuit of Miles Guo, who is at this point also a fraudster in the US, so not just some political victim. Mix in some overly complex plot involving Malaysia’s 1MDB, Jho Low, Leonardo DiCaprio, and allegations of China controlling Malaysia, it is basically the plot of Star Wars Episodes 1-3.
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