France Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Lieutenant General
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The FREMM Languedoc returns from the Far North

The French Navy's third multi-mission frigate, part of its long-term deployment on 12 August, arrived yesterday morning in Brest for a short stopover. Before docking at the pontoon FREMM of the naval base and to cross one of its sisterships, Aquitaine, currently in technical stop, the Languedoc has made passages on the loops of the harbor of Brittany, to measure its signature magnetic.

Delivered last March by DCNS, the frigate arrives straight from Scandinavia, its DLD, prior to its admission to active duty, having focused on a deployment of three months in the North Atlantic, to the Arctic Circle. On 29 October 2016, it sailed off the Norwegian coast of Spitzbergen, beyond 80 ° North. The crew was able to test its vessel under these special conditions, carry out exercises with the allied navies and mark the presence and interest of France for this area. Languedoc has also been used for export support, especially during its recent port of call in Oslo, while DCNS hopes to be retained by Norway for its future submarine program, to be launched in 2017.

Armed by 140 sailors, the FREMM, which is to be admitted to active service in early 2017, embarked for this deployment 140 sailors and a Cayman Marine helicopter of the 31F fleet.

The Languedoc, which was to leave Brittany last night, will now return to Toulon.

Brest, where Aquitaine and Provence are based, is expected to receive at the beginning of next week the fourth frigate of this series, the Auvergne, which began its tests at sea at the end of September. It will be delivered next year and will be like the Languedoc based in Toulon.

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Amiral Prazuck : En envoyant des sous-marins près des côtes françaises, Moscou « affirme sa puissance »
Ce 5 décembre, le chef d’état-major de la Marine nationale (CEMM), l’amiral Christophe Prazuck, est revenu sur les propos récemment tenus par le ministre de la Défense, Jean-Yves Le Drian, selon qui les incursions de sous-marins russes dans le golfe de Gascogne défiaient « nos capacité de patrouille maritime ».

Ainsi, pour l’amiral Prazuck, ces incursions sont de la même nature que les vols des bombardiers stratégiques russes près de l’espace aérien des pays de l’Otan (dont la France).

« De la même manière qu’ils mènent des vols à long rayon d’action qui viennent longer nos côtes et dire: ‘Nous sommes là, nous sommes une puissance européenne, et mondiale’, ils font la même chose sous la mer », a en effet expliqué le CEMM. Est-ce à dire que les sous-marins russes tiennent à faire connaître leur présence?

« En matière de lutte anti sous-marine, la France a un niveau exceptionnel », a assuré l’amiral Prazuck. Notamment avec les frégates multimissions (FREMM), dont les performances « nous donnent un avantage face à la prolifération de sous-marins ». Et d’ajouter : « Nous avons absolument besoin de ces systèmes. »

Sauf que le nombre de FREMM appelées à être mises en service au sein de la Marine nationale n’a cessé de dégringoler au cours des dernières Lois de programmation militaire (LPM). Désormais, 8 navires de ce type seront en dotation, la cible des 15 frégates de premier rang, affirmée par le dernier Livre blanc sur la Défense, devant être atteinte grâce à la commande de 5 frégates de taille intermédiaire (FTI). Cela étant, ces bâtiment auront des capacités de lutte anti-sous-marine robustes.

Cependant, les capacités actuelles de la Marine nationale « capacités permettent de surveiller certaines zones précises, comme par exemple les abords du groupe aéro-naval comprenant le porte-avions Charles-de-Gaulle quand il est déployé, mais il n’est pas possible de surveiller en permanence l’ensemble des côtes françaises et des lieux stratégiques« , a expliqué l’amiral Prazuck, selon le compte-rendu de ses propos diffusé par l’AFP.

« Interdire à un sous-marin d’approcher à proximité d’un porte-avion, nettoyer une zone, être sûr que dans une zone il n’y aura personne ou que si quelqu’un rentre dans une zone on l’aura détecté, on peut l’obtenir », a-t-il continué. « Mais assurer qu’on entendra tout ce qui se passe de la Patagonie au Groenland, ça on ne peut pas », a-t-il souligné.

S’agissant de la puissance navale russe, le CEMM estime qu’elle « se développe de façon manifeste », avec des « sous-marins extrêmement performants ». Et d’ajouter : « Ils [les Russes, ndlr] ont des modèles Kilo en mer Noire, une demi-douzaine, et dans l’Atlantique ils ont des SNA [sous-marins nucléaires d'attaque, ndlr], qui sont très performants. »

« Ce sont des capacités militaires de tout premier plan, qu’ils emploient toujours de manière très réfléchie et contrastée : il y a des domaines dans lesquels ils sont puissants et où ils peuvent avoir des postures un peu compétitives », a estimé l’amiral Prazuck.
"This 5 December, the Chief of Staff of the Navy (BMOC), Admiral Christophe Prazuck, returned on the recent statements by the Minister of Defence, Jean-Yves Le Drian, who according incursions Russian submarines in the Bay of Biscay challenged "our maritime patrol capability".

Thus, for Admiral Prazuck, these incursions are of the same nature as the flights of strategic Russian bombers near the airspace of the countries of NATO (including France).

"In the same way that they conduct long-range flights that come along our coasts and say: 'We are here, we are a European power, and world', they do the same thing under the sea, Explained the CEMM. Does this mean that the Russian submarines want to make their presence known?

"In terms of anti-submarine fighting, France has an exceptional level," said Admiral Prazuck. Especially with the multimission frigates (FREMM), whose performances "give us an advantage against the proliferation of submarines". He added, "We absolutely need these systems. "

Except that the number of FREMMs called into service within the French Navy has continued to plummet during the last Military Programming Laws (MPL). Now, eight ships of this type will be staffing the target of 15 frigates senior, affirmed by the last White Paper on Defence, to be achieved through the control of five frigates of intermediate size (FTI). However, these buildings will have robust anti-submarine capabilities.

However, the current capabilities of the Navy 'capacity to monitor some specific areas, such as the area around the aero-naval group including the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle when deployed, it is not possible To constantly monitor all French coasts and strategic locations, "said Admiral Prazuck, according to the report of his remarks broadcast by AFP.

"Prohibit a submarine from approaching an aircraft carrier, clean an area, be sure that there is no one in an area, or that if someone enters an area it will be detected , It can be obtained, "he continued. "But to make sure we hear everything that happens in Patagonia in Greenland, we can not," he said.

With regard to Russian naval power, the CEMM believes that it is "evidently developing" with "extremely powerful submarines". He added: "They [the Russians, note] have Kilo models in the Black Sea, half a dozen, and the Atlantic they have SNA [nuclear attack submarines, note], which are very Performance. "

"These are military capabilities while leading, they still employ so very thoughtful and mixed: there are areas where they are strong and where they can have a little competitive positions," said Admiral Prazuck."
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Flotilla 17F which have begin transition from Super-Etendard retired in july have now 4 Rafale on 12 than 11 and 12F.

Flotilla 17F began air operations from its own facilities

Following the withdrawal of the last Super-Etendard Modernized on July 12, 2016, Flotilla 17F "La Glorieuse" continued to operate as its pilots and mechanics continued their training on their new mount, the Rafale M.

While the first flight of a 17F pilot on Rafale M took place on September 19, 2016 from the Landivisiau airbase (Finistère), the Flottille still occupied the installations of the Flottille 12F "Les Lascars", of which A number of sailors had just embarked on the Charles de Gaulle in the direction of the Levant.

But this occupation of the 12F premises by seafarers of the 17F is now over, since on December 07, when the 12F was about to return from its missions against the Islamic State organization, the 17F officially integrated its new premises Renovated.

According to our information, seafarers now use their own offices as well as their own car parks to carry out the maintenance of the four Rafale M that the 17F has at this stage.

The first use of the Glorieuse car parks, according to our information, took place on December 17, when two Rafale M de la Flottille left their car park to take off for an umpteenth mission as part of their training.
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