WebMaster said:
Well, test now. IT should speed things up a little bit. If you are on a slow connection, then only slow part would be how long it takes for those larges images to download to your PC. Java script that would cause slowness has been removed.
Thank you oh mighty webmaster!
I do have a DSL connection. I will give it a try post haste!
15 minutes later....
Well I went there oh mighty one. The java script is gone but the page freeze still occur..My computer froze up for a short while. But I did get to exit the page without shutting down my computer.
Personally I think the javscript should remain on that page. as on all pics because those pics are just to big....Viewers can still expand them to their full glory..err I mean size....
Thanks for giving it a shot oh mighty webmaster....
PS I'm just trying to be funny....no disrespect intended. For me that page is just still goofed up...