I expect Shenyang to go up another 10% over next 2 days, then fall back, but not fall too much. Then when more information of 6th gen carrier fighter is available, it will go 2nd wave. The 2nd wave will rise more than first wave (20% up from bottom). Our prevlige allow us to know 6th gen mock up(SHENGAD) is already on carrier, but finance bros are less savy than us.
Xian also went up. It is similar story to Shenyang. Big drop, but fast return. Xian I expect lesser degree. It will rise less (but also 10% already). Then it will readjust, but go up massively when bomber reveal.
I expect bomber reveal around when Trump enter office. Trump is openly advocating for conquest of Greenland. I think a 6th gen bomber reveal will remind adversary of the danger of fucking around. The reveal will hype up in main stream media, and cause stock to go up.
Incidentally I expect rare earth stock to go up. It will be the primary weapon to retaliate US trade war once Trump go in, not military hardware. I expect Trump to expand sanctions out of pride, and China to retaliate through rare earth. The massive increase of price will increase profit, and most importantly its hype. I expect rare earth to be the next big thing.
Lastly, if you are a gambler, buy Tiktok related stocks. I expect Trump to go easy on it, though my confidence is lesser than previous mentioned stocks. If Trump end up going easy on Tiktok, expect business related to tiktok to go up, like advertisement companies.