FFG 054/054A Thread

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VIP Professional
from what he heard:
1. He wrote each 054A is 1.58 billion yuan? (or maybe it's 1.5 billion or 800 million, not sure exactly). So, after conversion, that's anywhere from 100 to 200 million USD per ship.

Someone please check this math for me:

In 1990 the PRC sold 4 x 053's to Thailand for approx. 2 billion baht each. The exchange rare back then was 25 baht : 1 USD. So the unit cost was approx. $80 million USD per ship.

The F-22P export Frigate to Pakistan was reported at $120 million USD each.

I don't know what it costs for the PLAN to acquire the 054A's, since information on stuff like R&D cost is not public. But it's prolly not unreasonable to assume a "market value" of $200 million USD each for these ships.

That's still a lot cheaper than what Taiwan paid for La Fayette FFG's without weapons from France. If you subtract the $500-600 million "padding" bribe the unit cost was still over $300 USD million each.


Banned Idiot
Someone please check this math for me:

In 1990 the PRC sold 4 x 053's to Thailand for approx. 2 billion baht each. The exchange rare back then was 25 baht : 1 USD. So the unit cost was approx. $80 million USD per ship.

The F-22P export Frigate to Pakistan was reported at $120 million USD each.

I don't know what it costs for the PLAN to acquire the 054A's, since information on stuff like R&D cost is not public. But it's prolly not unreasonable to assume a "market value" of $200 million USD each for these ships.

That's still a lot cheaper than what Taiwan paid for La Fayette FFG's without weapons from France. If you subtract the $500-600 million "padding" bribe the unit cost was still over $300 USD million each.

Way lower than that. You can check each shipyard's sale value per year, which is the public data.

Chengdu CAC's total sale value is around 10 billion RMB, just a little over 1 billion USD.


VIP Professional
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The VLS issue remains unclear untill we can see pics of this new agle without the roof atop the complex.

What comes to the VDS, I seriosly doupt that there's any conformal VDS. China hasen't shown progress required for that level in sonar-field. They have yet to field even the previous level indegenious VDS system so I think its bit far-fecthed to assume such. ASW remains the achilles heel of PLAN. But as there clearly has been great improvement of in the other tradditionally weak sector (air-defence) I pretty sure that development in that area will emerge. You just have to give them time. China is (unlike so of our most nationalistic kids might think) still bound to all the limitations as rest of us mortals and no one can raise form the derelight state in which the PLAN had dwellt in the pre-1990 era....


Lieutenant General
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cost -> Chinese builds things cheaper is one reason and the second reason is that they have extremely high margin for exports.

VDS -> As I mentionned, the stuff is developed. Even TLAS is developed. They have VDS on numerous ships. So, it's a matter of cost + doctrine.

Anyhow, new pictures of the launched ships. Note, the newly launched one is the one beside 526 I think. You can see a couple of 022s and the original 054A is the one by itself.


  • 054AHP-Mar19.jpg
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  • 054AHP-Mar19-2.jpg
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  • 054AHP-Mar19-3.jpg
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  • 054AHP2-Mar19.jpg
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  • 054AHP2-Mar19-2.jpg
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Lieutenant General
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supposedly, this is to show part of the 3rd 054A is still under construction, they haven't started the assemble yet. Also, according to the guy who took the pictures, who asked the shipyard workers, the engine is supposedly indigenous now.


  • HP-054A-Assemble-Mar19.jpg
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  • HP-054A-Assemble-Mar19-2.jpg
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Banned Idiot
If the picture really shows a third 054A being construsted,It will be a breakthru for PLAN modern warship construction. Cos they never gone beyond being more than 2 of the same kind. We can more or else comfirm,it will go into mass production... :china:


Junior Member
supposedly, this is to show part of the 3rd 054A is still under construction, they haven't started the assemble yet. Also, according to the guy who took the pictures, who asked the shipyard workers, the engine is supposedly indigenous now.

It's a little dark inside, but is there another 022 on the left?

Jeff Head

Registered Member
If the picture really shows a third 054A being construsted,It will be a breakthru for PLAN modern warship construction. Cos they never gone beyond being more than 2 of the same kind. We can more or else comfirm,it will go into mass production... :china:
Well, they built two here at HP and now it looks like a third. But do not forget, they also built one over at HD and are working on the 2nd there too as I understand. That means five altogether in 6-8 months time.

You can see the next Type 054A on the right in these pictures, with the Sonar dome on the bow. It's dark in there, but, particularly in the 2nd picture, it can fairly easily be made out.

I'd say they are going to mass produce these, probably well over 20 of them before it is all said and done. But we shall see...time will tell. Very nice lines, very fine looking frigate.


Senior Member
VIP Professional
If the picture really shows a third 054A being construsted,It will be a breakthru for PLAN modern warship construction. Cos they never gone beyond being more than 2 of the same kind. We can more or else comfirm,it will go into mass production... :china:
I think, the PLAN is satisfied with this type, so they order a "mass" production (let's say: they 'll order some more of them)

to build 2 of the same kind sounds like testing a new design and decide for new developings, derivate or - at least - order some more ...
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Lieutenant General
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I will start off with a picture that shows 054A #3 in HP is well under way and 022 is also under construction. Same photo, but a little more clear with the circles pointing them out.

The second 054A at HD, I actually don't see much progress from the last time I posted them. I'm quite surprised here.


The 1st 054A + LPD

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