from what he heard:
1. He wrote each 054A is 1.58 billion yuan? (or maybe it's 1.5 billion or 800 million, not sure exactly). So, after conversion, that's anywhere from 100 to 200 million USD per ship.
Someone please check this math for me:
In 1990 the PRC sold 4 x 053's to Thailand for approx. 2 billion baht each. The exchange rare back then was 25 baht : 1 USD. So the unit cost was approx. $80 million USD per ship.
The F-22P export Frigate to Pakistan was reported at $120 million USD each.
I don't know what it costs for the PLAN to acquire the 054A's, since information on stuff like R&D cost is not public. But it's prolly not unreasonable to assume a "market value" of $200 million USD each for these ships.
That's still a lot cheaper than what Taiwan paid for La Fayette FFG's without weapons from France. If you subtract the $500-600 million "padding" bribe the unit cost was still over $300 USD million each.